Hey whats up people i have a 05 jeep grand cherokee and im looking for the loudest baddest subwoofers money can by as well as the amps to push it i myself have already tried the 15" mtx 9500 being pushed by the 1501d and that was an amazing sound ive also tried the 15" kicker l7 being pushed by a hifonics brutus amp 2500 that was also a great sound but i still thought the 9500 out beat the l7 now im looking for something to out beat both it dont matter how much i spend i just want to be the loudest system out here in my city if you guys can help me with comments i would greatly appreciate it Thank You very much
Give a budget with an exact number figure. I can sit here and build you a system that will cost well over $10k just to be a pr1ck to prove that money does matter.
If you really want the ultimate system, put plenty of time and effort into upgrading your electrical and building a solid enclosure to house your subs. Also sound deaden everything. I'd say go with RD subs if money really isn't a huge issue. Sundown amps as well.
Like Yanks said, give us a budget. because i doubt you can afford a $2000 sub (Audiopulse LMS Ultra 18), a $2150 amp to power it (Sundown 4500), All the runs of 1/0ga. and batteries you'll need is at least another $1000, plus like 4 HO alternators at ~$500 a piece, a few hundred square feet of deadener so your jeep won't rattle to sh!t, and a custom box brings the total to roughly $9,000. And i'm sure yanks can one up that setup easily and add another couple grand.
sorry if that sounds harsh, but in my opinion it was well deserved.
give us a budget for everything and we'll go from there.