I've been trying to sell my items on craigslist with little success, and i had a guy tell me he works at a shop and they can get the orion hcca d1200 for 75 dollars.
Does that sound legit and if so how much of a deal do the dealers on all their items?
Far from the truth. Honestly, the prices you see on Orion products on ebay are not far from regular dealer price from a distributor. Distributor usually pays 25% off dealer price, but you have to remember they have to purchase up to $100,000 a 1/4.
Far from the truth. Honestly, the prices you see on Orion products on ebay are not far from regular dealer price from a distributor. Distributor usually pays 25% off dealer price, but you have to remember they have to purchase up to $100,000 a 1/4.
This is exactly why you have the $24.99 shipping and handling (your nuts) fees. Alot of these guys make most, or in some cases all, of their profits off of that. They sell cheaper than anyone else, in some cases right around cost.
Think about it:
$129 item for sale. Dealer cost = $120 Actual shipping cost = $10 S&H charged to customer = $25 Profit on S&H + markup = $24
If he or she can schlep 6-10 units a day that's a comfortable living for not much actual work.
^^^^ 100% dead on to all the "$19.95" deals you see on tv also. They hope you fall for their gag and pay the shipping fees as well.
You all remember the dude who sells the CDs helping you to learn computers and crap right? Well he didn't make his fortune on the dics but on the S/H fees. They didn't care if you wanted a refund either because the disc cost less to make than the postage to send it.
Dealing with Ebay teaches you all this and more.....
Yeah Paul lol. The best thing ever is the way every TV ad always says "but wait!!! order right now and we will double your order (then a very quickly mumbled: "just pay seperate processing and handling").
Basically what they did there is make it seem like you are getting an addition set of useless crap, when in actuality you just paid them $6.99 gypping and nut-handling for an item that cost them a buck-fitty to make and market. They actually stiff you for an extra $5.50 under the guise of doing you a huge favor. It's classic and you gotta admire a criminal idea that actually works. And anyone dumb enough to fall for it, let alone buy their crap in the first place, gets no sympathy from me.
Yup Brad. It's all psychology. That's marketing in a nut shell. It's why they place milk, meat, bread and cheese and such on the outer edges of any supermarket. They NEED you to flurry through the non essential crap hoping you'll buy more than you need to further pad their pockets. Impulse buys are ALWAYS placed at the checkout counter for a reason. Younger customers' items placed lower.
Think about how many times you went to the mart for one thing and came back with five.