is he really dead thats not funny if he isnt,,,, i need help building and designing a box for my car i saw where he had done a box for the same vehicle with the same amp and it looked pretty loud so i was going to ask for some advice
its a trunk car so i was thinking sub up aero port shooting into cab area that car is a 2004 dodge intrepid sub is aq hdc copper or aluminum i cant decide its a 15 and amp is sundown 1500
im thinking 32 wide 13.5 tall 25 long that way i can slide it in for some reason my rear deck drops into my trunk about 4 or 5 inches. wanting to use aero ports for my port
Sorry, but he has a bad rep here so by me saying he's dead isn't funny at all, it's a judgment of character. He's been around as long me and if I remember him as a shady guy as well as many others...............
Apparently he took orders and $$ from people for some box designs/builds that he couldn't fill. Happened more than once if I remember correctly. Then he showed up out of the blue wanting more business. Vanished again.
Either he has poor management over his time/communication skills or he appears when the forum gets a boat load of new members. If all you're after is advice that's what a forum is for and there are plenty of ppl here capable of giving it.
Either way I wouldn't give him a dime.
I can get flamed for my opinion but take it for what it's worth then. There are many here who remember. Anyone else wanna chime in be my guest.........
Ooooo ok I didn't know I just saw his intrepid box and saw that it was used in meca comps was tring to see what score he posted with it. But would you all recommend using a box with about 3.5 cubes with this sub tuned at about 38 hrtz. Sub is aq hdc 15
LMAO @ Mark Potts even being mentioned. Guy is a straight up thief and does not give a sh!t about being one! I remember the SECOND time people had sh!t going down with him and he owed people money. He was still coming around showing off his Yaris.....I think he even had it turboed.
i know but right now i cant even get over a 140 with 2 12s so im just going with all new stuff new/refurb sundown 1500 amp (underated) tested at 12v i think correct me if im wrong and the 15 hdc copper for right now ill upgrade to aluminum later thats why i need one hellva a box i have the power now i need the other components
Lol @ Tcab. I'm not sure why people still talk about that douche aside from him being a thief. It's not like the guy has won anything big anyhow with his secret boxes(golden ratio). I will admit that he was starting to make some good aero ports though.