Are expensive wires worth it?


Monster Cables are expensive are they really worth it?

K Murphy
Here's what the experts say.

When dealing with home audio, expensive cables are always worth it because less resistance means cleaner stronger power and better sound.

The same goes for Car Audio except in cars there is lots of noise from the motor, tires, wind, vibration, and anything else you can think of that you hear while driving.

So the point is:

Get decent cables for your car but dont go to crazy with super high priced gold plated cables
because alot of the benefits are drowned out by driving noise.

Whatever you do dont get cheap thin cables.

I always used the basic medium thickness monster cable. Never had a problem.

I have the cheapest soundsytem money ca buy and it goes up to 2500watts R.M.S. and wasted about $300 for both subs cables and amps I think cheaper doesn't mean cheaper sound!!! when I turn up my system can feel my chest ratling!!!no B.S.

well any cable will work the thicker the wire the nore amp that can more th thiner it is the faster teh wats can move but if u r runing some big subs run think wire and because teh subs and amp are prity close use th thickest u can 4 there .don't just pay 4 a brand name look at teh wire judge 4 ur self is it thick enough. i got some wire that says up to 300w max that has heaps of uber around it but teh wire in side is real think it was cheap and afte running my 6" X 9" sony Xplode shelf speakers it burnt out becasue it was 3 thin 4 what i needed by what u need so if ur amps are like $500 AUSD each get the $40 AUSD/per metre cable.

For RCA cables, get the best you can afford. There IS a difference here.

For power cables, who gives a squirt? I commonly use welders's pretty much all 96%+ OFC cable anyway.
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