Well guys, I'm just saying thanks for all the help you guys have given me, I've learned a lot of information coming to this site learning e-regs.
I was sworn into the Air Force today and will be leaving sometime in March.
I plan on selling my current setup and when I get out of basic and get some money in my bank account I'm going to buy me a vehicle and come back here to get advice on a new system.
Best of luck to you. Serving is a great way to grow up. Plus the benifits of a decent job when you get out. Look into genset.. They are going to be in high demand in the future.
Be safe and wear your protection. As seen in these pics, with out protection you can be shot.
great choice man. welcome. basic ain't all that bad. if you've got any questions shoot me an email because i've been there and done that haha. best advice i can give you offhand is be ready to run. a lot.
also, if you want to go over seas you're most likely to get korea. i'll probably see you in the desert at some point though haha. my supervisor just got a deployment to the UAE, lucky b@stard...
Lol hey more power to you, to each his own! I prefer being in the sh!t walking on my feet killin bad guys or my tank which is a dieing breed (tankers) no need for us anymore we train dismounted tactics more than ever now.
Thanks for serving man. I have to really good friends in the Air Force, ones an MP in Afghanistan and one refuels airplanes in Quatar. They both love it, hope you do too
good choice on the AF man...I got outa basic 5 weeks ago I'm at Sheppard AFB right now for my tech school...so like eric said if you got any questions hit I'd be happy to help you out as well...shoot me an e-mail if you want
Sheppard is the worst base ever lol absolutely nothing in Wichita falls... things get much better out of tech. what's your afsc? do you know where your first duty station is yet? and whatever you do don't become a rope. everybody hates them and it means nothing once you leave
appreciate you guys offering out the help, if all goes welll my afsc will be helicopter maintenance apprentice. i'll be a crew dog lol. and my tech school will be at ft. eustis.
haha ya sheppard sucks but coming from basic its not that bad...Im a load toad on f-16's and I'm liking it so far...but ya everyone has been sayin it will be way better when I get outa here...Im goin to Eielson AFB in Alaska! pretty excited