got a buddy that wants to get a good loud system, looking for a good 18" for loud daily probably in the $500 - $600 range give or take. Vehicle is undetermined for now, most likely an SUV, possibly a small hatchback sports car, either way will slot port and tune around 35Hz. Prolly get a HO alt, 2 AGM batts, and a BXi2608D as I've learned thats the best cheap way to go.
Fully loaded BTL daily option is what we're lookin at now, but want to know what else is in this category?
dude i got a 15" eclipse titanium on 1200 rms from zx1000.1 maybe a bit less and it is decent im going to be building a new box soon but ya im hitting around 143 maybe a bit more no problem! (secound throughts get a RE SX 18 on saz 1500!) or 2 RE SE 15's same amp,saz) !
W/o knowing what sub you are gonna use, or even the vehicle it is going in, you have already determined the box tuning? And I'm the dipsh!t? The box tuning and size should be to specs for the sub... You should, at the very least, choose the sub then determine the enclosure specs... When I stated "this place is going to sh!t", I was not directing that at you... Someone should have pointed that out immediately, instead of giving sub recommendations.. I noticed that you are just trying to help by providing as much info as possible.. Some things shouldn't be determined until your initial question is answered..