I need a sealed enclosure for my 15" TC LMS-4000. Its going in a 01 S10 ext cab so I have about 40" wide 24" tall 12-14" top depth and 16-18" bottom depth to work with. It needs to be slanted in the front so it will fit right and sub facing forward. I was thinking 4-5 cubic feet after disp. Actually I could use some recommendations on the size cuz Im not exactly sure what would be best for this sub. Its in a 4cubic ft ported with 2 4" aeros tuned to 36hz and its just not the sound Im looking for. I think its tuned too high maybe or its not big enough or it doesnt have enough port area. Plus I think I will like a sealed enclosure better. So let me here some prices and possibly see some designs,please? It doesnt have to be carpeted just good quality. I do not have the time,patience or skills to bulid one myself so dont tell me to build it myself
Thanks for all the reps Fellas. And yea TWiZTiD -- we can get you one for a good price and like Rovin said, I too think it would be a little better @ 32hz. Send us an email at DLaudiotech@gmail and we can get you some plans drawn out.
As far as designs and pricing if your interested just shoot me an email and I can sketch out some possible designs and pricing. Our boxes come with a lifetime warranty as well.
could you shoot me an email? it's alot easier dealing with quotes through email rather than a thread. we respond quickly too. My email is above. We can get you one for a great price.