for music or burp mark? i can tell you i tested a atomic 5k and the 3500. the 3500 is alot more eff. than the atomic. power wise the atomic only produced 700 more watts. now remember we run meca and its all about fusing. i can burp the 3500 on 30a of fuse and the atomic needs 70-80. so the 3500 is a better buy for us. as far as price when i ran with rd vs sundown the price diff would have been almost 400.00 more for the 5750. so for me the sundown is a better buy.
lol snow... You are assuming and slandering just to hear your gums flap.. Steve has acknowledged and addressed the situation that you love to exploit just so you can bash your well known dislike of RD Audio.... So please STFU.. You always come across as a pr!ck and refuse to be productive on here... ever.. So gtfo and stay over on with your pessimistic azz.. You won't be missed.. Trust me. TROLL!!!
if one person don't recommend RD then someone else will recommend Sundown..
there are tons of people here who run sundown.. very few run RD
both are same quality.. except the new line of RDs which I'm sure will get sorted out
if you know anything about production one can go years through many different models/prototypes before all the issues have been fixed or the correct results are seen
There is not one place in this thread that I have said to buy RD over Sundown.. There are less than a handful of your 3300+ posts that are productive in any way shape or form.... The difference between you and I, snow... I have had more than a few threads started just to thank me for going out of my way to help them out with whatever they needed... As for you, there have been plenty of threads started just to complain about you. It is like you thrive on being a lil pr!ck... .. It must suck to always think of the negitive side of things... you will end up lonely and forgotten as you get older and people around you are hardend and less forgiving... But you will be used to it by then...
damn maybe Snow just likes to screw with people on here. has anyone ever met Snow? he could be alot different.. you can correct me if Im wrong, but your assumptions tend to be a little harsh.
Mark you don't know me at all in the real life. Saying those things, well is just plain stupid. I have never said anything personal about you in my life.
omfg thumper... I may be frank and to the point.. I can agree to that... So don't be too offended when I say. STFU you azz kissing juvenile terrorist( as Marc so kindly pointed out).. You were one complaining... But then again you said " Fu<K E ect.. Don't get me wrong... Me saying what I said had nothiong to do with you complaining. I'de rather hjim stay than you.. .
On a side note: Snow is a pretty cool dude to chat with and BS with on anywhere but here. So yeah, we've met..
didn't see yo0ur post snow. but I stand behind my last statement about you.. Maybe I shouldn't have made it personal... i'm man enough to apologize when you are right. But It would be a better place if a regular such as yourself,would act like it instead of a d!ck.
My undies are in a bunch tonight deo to have a tooth pulled and being in severe pain while heavily medicated.. I apologige again..... d!ck. lol ...