I know that this might not be the right section of the forum to ask this, but... I'm just wondering if the gauge and brand of the speaker wire you use makes that much of a difference in sound quality. I think Im gonna run 8ga to my pioneers. I honestly dont notice that much of a difference, but then again I haven't compared it to the nicer brands. Would you suggest spending the extra money on the few feet of speaker wire running from my amp to my subs? Thankx!
haha i misread that. definatelty thought he was talking about power wire cuz i always hear of people nikka rigging their systems using the cheapest possible stuff.
Even 12g is overkill and anything bigger = absolutely no difference.
People don't realize that current going into your amp is DC and the current that drives speakers is AC... DC requires much bigger wire than AC. If anyone wants to know why they can search, i've explained it before...
But there are two things you need to consider when it comes to wire: brand and copper content
Buy a name brand that is known to be accurately gauged, the dirt cheap ones lie about the gauge. Then see if its 100% copper or if its aluminum. It is a great debate whether that makes a difference. IMO copper is the best conductor.
From info I've read, not personal testing, I've been told by sq guys that higher strand count makes a difference.
Even if I was doing a few hundred watts per speaker I'd never go bigger than 12g. Subwoofers are different imo - big subs with big amps means I'll use bigger wire. Mainly for cosmetics, but I've read spl competitors say they've gained from larger speaker wire.
In most applications you'll never tell the difference.