in ametuer 1 a trunk car (chevy malibu) is #1 with 147.7 db second is my brothers wife with 146.9 he found a tenth so she can do a 147 db now but thats next round
bro (scott s) in street 4 is #1 in class first round with 152.3 db which is low for him he can hit 153.3 usually....he had to fix broken roof mounts 3-4 of them i think
it goes by point system for instance one 12 has the cone area of 113 so thats 226 points if you have to twelves like my bro's wife does. Then she burps on a 30 amp fuse 526 points out of 550. which holds on a 1900 - 2000 watt burp. (tested clamped)
same for my bro except he runs two 12's and more fusing but he said he burps so low on fusing he could run street 3....imagine that since hes winning street 4 already
i forgot to swap out fuses after i finished testing in the parking lot...soo i went to make my run and the fuses had alot of use on em and they popped before i finished rolling up my volume i only got to 24 and i stop at 30 so i had 6 more clicks and i had 154.1 first had 154.3
yeap s1 with a 147.0 top qualifier blew his fuse and didnt get it to burp. we can hold our 30a fuse all day long on a 3k amp. he had a 9k amp trying to roll into it. to much power for that low of fuse. he gamled and lost. i did a 151.9 and won s4
Yes, congrats to all! I will try to have the pics/vids up soon but my computer just sh!ts an entire brick house everytime I try to upload them from my camera.