Linking 2 Amplifiers together with only 1 set of RCA Leads from the head unit


New member
Username: Nick4924


Post Number: 1
Registered: Oct-09
I currently have one 4 channel 2800 watt amplifier. on the back where you plug the RC As in there is two pairs of RCA sockets, channel 1/2 & 3/4 and one RCA socket line out.

Now because I have only one set of RCAs coming from my head unit, I was told that if I was to plug that lead from the head unit in to channel 3/4 to run the SUB and then plug a short set of RCAs into the line out socket and then link them into channel 1/2. this will put a signal into channel 1/ run my 6x9's

Question I'm asking is. Will it work without doing that because I would like to link one more Amplifier in to run my 6x9's. But I can't if I use the line out socket to power up the signal channel 1/2 on my first Amp.

I am open for any suggestions if anyone can help me with this.


Gold Member
Username: Van_man

Boston South, MA

Post Number: 5002
Registered: Mar-06
use a "Y" spliter and feed both sets of in's with the full signal. Then use the amps filters to run the speakers at full off 1 and 2, then set the hpf set to ~80 and below for the sub.

Now it sounds like you are planning on running a single sub off the channels 3 & 4 bridged as a mono sub output. Be aware that the ohm load should not be lower then 4 ohms for most amps. Judging by the discription, A 4 channel, 2800 watts, I would asume that will not bridge below 4 ohms.

Next time please list the model of the amp and subs you are planning on running, it makes it easier to steer you in the right direction.

Good luck with that.
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