I have a Renault Megane and I lost the code for my car radio we ask you to help me nn know what to do: '(... you pass the following code that the car radio ... Left Side ... 8200057681TL805 far below 0501100 ......
right side Mod No: 22DC278/62B under TOL805 RN278F30501100 Then again Made in France 8200057681TL805 STILL UNDER into a space that ce 8200 057 681 - c
behind door number one e2 029021
That's all that EC wrote next to my car radio I hope to help me breast are forced to buy a new car radio :/... Waiting to hear from you ... Hello Lory wink.gif}}
I thank you very much from Italy I type .... No forum in Italy I was able to give the code are a myth after I'll know if it works ... will never cease to thank you ^ __ ^