Hi everyone I have a situation that I can't seem to find the source of my trunk rattle caused from a single 12" Roxford fosgate sub on my chevy corsica. Sounds fine from the inside but outside not so much.
I tried to find it tonight but didn't have much luck. I did notice, however, that it really doesn't do it with my trunk open but if I push down on the trunk when its closed it doesn't help but I think it has to do with the trunk cover..I just don't know what to look for. Any Idea's?
sound deadner would prolly do the trick but i dont really know i'm kinda new to this.. and i dont know how much time, effort, or money you want to spend.
Well right now my hours have been cut from work so money would be the problem. I'm not too worried about looks. Maybe just cover pieces on the truck top with a foam or clothing material possibly?
mm.. yeah again.. i cant really tell you.. i'm kinda still learning myself.. but you came to the right place for help.. there are many helpful ppl on here..
Thats good to know..if it doesn't rain tomorrow I'll do more experimenting and post back..hopefully I can get pointed in a better direction though. Thanks anyway
The license plate seems to be the main problem. I'll probably go the cheap man's route and stuff a sock or something between the trunk and the plate bc I tried silicone and it helped quite a bit but still has a little rattle coming from it.(the tube of silicone broke when I was using it so instead of just throwing it away I thought I'd give that a try.. Thanks for the help MS!
Found out today it wasn't the license plate bc it still did it with the plate off..don't know why it fixed it yesterday..find that a little weird..
So I'm still trying to find it with no luck..I think its on the trunk lid bc it doesn't do it with the trunk open but then again with all the vibrations with the trunk closed could be something else..I'll find it sooner or later I hope
It's probably the sheet metal of the trunk and the metal bracing of the trunk. Expanding foam is your friend. Just be careful with it, it will push out panels if used in excess.