I would like to get a bit more of a crisp, clear, and sharp bass out of my stereo. Specificaly from my subs. Currently I have a zx750.1 powering a pair of Kicker CompVR's at a 4ohm load. The box has internal demensions of 13"x13"x35" along with a rectangular port measureing 2.5"x13" and 9" deep running along the side. The opening is on the same side the subs face. Keeping in mind that different subs or amp is out of the question for now, how would you advise me to go about making the bass cleaner and clearer yet still powerfull enough to hit you in the chest? I was thinking that sealing the box up (eliminating the port) may help, however perhaps a couple quick adjustments to the amp or the HU would be better. I currently know almost nothing about "tuning" and would like to have a quick lesson on it. I do know that the box is critical, do my demensions sound about right? Should I change the port size?