I bought a kicker L5 12 in the kicker ported box and a crunch gp1600.1 for 100 dollars today.no its not hot my buddy needed a fuel pump for his car so i took it off his hands.Do u think i got a good deal I was thinkin of sellin it all for 250 obo
I liked my L5's (much more than my L7's) but The kicker boxes never impressed me. And Crunch is about as cheap as maxxsonics makes, allthough the GP is the best that Crunch offers(but that's like saying you won the gold medal.......in the special olympics) I Don't see any reason that you couldn't find a local kid running a "killer wal-mart system" and talk him into upgrading to "dem kickas"..But you will not likely find any buyers that have been into decent car audio equipment.
i figured that for some reason where i am at in new york people sell crap for ridiculous prices.I have seen xplod 12's for like 250 n the l5 better.I just got it just to flip.Im happy with my audison amp n id max's