Hey, I'm trying to set the crossover on my deck so that I can maximize the output of my system, and I need some help with the cross over.
Should I turn my inside speakers dB rating down, so I can turn it all up higher...
Basically, I want to get the most out of my system.
here is what I have for crossover options:
Subs Front and Rear
and for each of those there are these three options:
Hz; 20 to 200 dB/Oct; 6, 12, 18, 24 and off. dB; 0 to -12
I want to get my stereo as loud as I can, without distortion, if anyone can help, that'd be swell.
Thanks Mike C
Posted on
When it comes to crossovers and EQs it's best to have your car audio installer tune the system for you. Why? Because most likely he would have a device called RTA (Real Time Analyzer) which can measure the frequency response of your car interior and can plot a frequency vs. dB graph to pinpoint peaks and dips on the frequency curve and correct them accordingly.
By tuning both the crossover points and EQ (as well as gain/level setting your system) on your 9815 you can get close to the "ideal" frequency response which allows your speakers and amp(s) to run efficiently.
You CAN do it by ear, but the result won't be as accurate as when you are using an RTA.