Becker unlock codes needed


New member
Username: Wiep76

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jul-09
I have a Becker Indianapolis Pro
which is currently locked, can someone help?
S/N 65008682

5digit code (1to7)

Thank you in advance

Gold Member
Username: Regrooster

Post Number: 1541
Registered: Aug-08
Duplicate request!

Multi-posted requests are ignored as they are both timewasting and annoying to the volunteers who read and answer these code calculation requests..

If you are that impatient for your code then try an online Decode Service who will supply your code by return.

New member
Username: Wiep76

Post Number: 3
Registered: Jul-09
hello Reg rooster,

I tried to make the first post but couldn't and then everything locked up at my end.

I thought it didn't come trough (being posted I mean)
Then I saw the other posts by you so I posted there

Untill now I didn't even knew I doubled.

I'm sorry for the double post. I sure didn't meant too
I just don't know how to delete one post

Please ignore (and if you can; delete) one post
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