As it stands now, I have two alpine type Rs hooked up to a 1000w mono alpine amp. But now i want to give my speaks a boost. So i got a 2 channel amp from my buddy for free and now i want to hook up the speaks to the amp. How would i go about doing this? I am unclear about how to run the 2nd power, ground, and remote wires. Thanks alot.
you can run your original power wire into a distribution block and distribute it that way or run a whole new wire with a fuse attached to it because you will most likely require a smaller gauge wire for a speaker amp.
For your ground make sure/ at least try your hardest, to run your grounds from both amps to the same place on the chassis.
Remote wire can be spliced from the original pretty close to the amp.
RCA cables can be run from a different outlet in the back of your head unit or you can daisy chain it from your other amp.