That was me. I never got around to building a larger one for a car.
The little one I did build was pretty fun though, made enough hydrogen to blow the hell out of a coke bottle
Supposedly my uncle built a working one for his truck, but I have never seen it. Not sure if he was just blowing smoke or not...just haven't been back home in awhile to see.
BTW, I just used a piece of pvc and some cheap wire. Everytime I put current into the system, the wire would oxidize and water would turn green very quickly.
I saw something about this a while back on another forum I believe, just letting ya know a few other materials you could give a try, if your still interested in it are: platinum, iridium, osmium, ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, inc, tin, nickel, chromium, tungsten, titanium, vanadium, molybdenum and niobium
I love science and trying these types of things out so id be interested to see what you come up with and how well it works.