Right now I've got about 100 per channel on my mids, do y'all think another 50 will be very noticeable? I may step it up to 200 per channel not sure. The mids are mpyre 6.5s they say 150rms each. I guess really what I'm wondering is if 50 will be a good improvement or do I just need to step it up to 200 per channel
Yeah cause I dont want spend another 200-300 and hardly notice a diff. With 100 on them right now it doesn't even phase lol. They're loud but not enough low end yet. Sound great too
I did a pretty good job on the install I think. The door is sealed as much as it can be with deadner and in the big holes I put ribs in. The with the spacer plate I sealed it up to the door and put foam strip where the speaker mounts up. Its pretty solid. the SQ is great but Its just not loud enough. Some ppl are putting 250 on these things.