so pretty soon i'm gonna start buying up my new sounds, starting with the mono amp and sub and herein lies the question.
I'm gonna buy a DD9515 which is stable down to .5 Ohms, but i don't wanna push it that low, i just want a respectable 4000 W/RMS out of it for daily use (when i say daily i mean, every single day). I wanna get a Stetsom amp to power this beast, the issue i'm having is i wanna get an amp that will give me 4000 at 1 Ohm. I've got my eye on the Stetsom V6KD but this gives 4000 at 2 Ohms. My understanding is the lower the Ohms the harder the bass will kick, the alternative option is to go for the Stetsom V4KD.
"My understanding is the lower the Ohms the harder the bass will kick"
Uhhhhh no? Subs have different ohm loads to have more options of wiring. When you buy your 9515, there's probably an option for D1 so you can wire it to your Stetsom amp at 2 ohms.
DO yourself a favor and find out the voice coil configuration first, assuming its a D1, you can wire it to 2ohm or .5ohm or if its a D2 you can wire it to 1ohm or 4ohm. Find that out first so we can help you more.
right fella's you guys have given me the answer i was looking for, all this time i was trying to find a 1 ohm amp to give me 4000 rms because i thought the bass would be louder but i was wrong. as long as the sub is getting that 4000 watts it makes no difference whether its at 1, 2 or even 4 ohms