i always hear that the type r's can handle a lot more than rated 500rms, but this setup they will get around 900rms DAILY, would that be ok for them, or would that be too much for daily???
4 10's, 8.5 cubes @ 40hz 2door s10 blazer with backseat up
they type-rs can take 900rms IF you know what your doing...however, for daily i would have picked either different subs for that amp or a different amp for those subs.
the type-rs wont last years with 900rms daily.. 4 10s is goin to be dam loud in the blazer. ALSO, for a daily setup i def. wouldnt tune the box at 40hz, try 35 and get more low end out of them.
i would actually go with a tuning of 32Hz. and check alpines website for recommended box specs. for some reason i think 8.5cubes may be too big. just my .02
yes, the only reason i said 40hz, is cause im used to solo-barics at 40-45, in the blazer although very loud, sounds like total sh!t lol, so type r's should still be better than them at 40.
i build boxes eveyday, but im not familier with the type r's.
same box though, how bout 4 sdc2.5 10's on the good ole zx2500
they are bothgreat lil subs, i have 2 sd2.5 12's and have yet to hear em. They are beefy for what they are. i would do 35 hz for the sd2.5's and ~32 hz for the type-r's. i still may to 4 2.5's in the van just for shi!ts and giggles..