Bronze Member Username: Lamchop_8St.Louis, Missouri USA Post Number: 24 Registered: May-09 | What sub is better (OVERALL) between the RD Audio Heavyweight and the DC Sound Lab lvl. 5? RD HW DC lvl. 5 (SPECS) 12" 15" 18" Mounting Depth 8.25 9.5 10.5 Mounting Hole Diameter 11" 14" 16.75" Motor Width 9.84" 9.84" 9.84" Weight 78lbs 78.25lbs 80.5lbs VC Diameter 3" Flat 8 layer 3" Flat 8 layer 3" Flat 8 layer Magnet Weight 73lbs 73lbs 73lbs Power Handling RMS/Peak 2000/4000 20,000 burst 2000/4000 20,000 burst 2000/4000 20,000 burst Impedance D 1 or 2ohm D 1 or 2ohm D 1 or 2ohm Sd 494.00 cm² 791.00 cm² 1159.00 cm² Suggested Sealed N/A N/A N/A Suggested Ported 1.75³ ft 3.5³ ft 5³ ft Suggested SPL Ported 2.75³ ft 5³ ft 8³ ft |
Gold Member Username: Snowball123West Allis, WI Post Number: 2668 Registered: Oct-07 | I'd go with the level 5. Sub just looks sexy as sh*t. |
Gold Member Username: SomedonniedudeIllinois Braaap MX Post Number: 2589 Registered: May-07 | It MUST be a better sub if it LOOKS cooler! Snow is a noob don't listen to him. |
Bronze Member Username: Lamchop_8St.Louis, Missouri USA Post Number: 25 Registered: May-09 | So whats sub is best? |
Gold Member Username: Snowball123West Allis, WI Post Number: 2670 Registered: Oct-07 | You know so much more than me donnie... And did I say I choose the DC because it looked better? |
Bronze Member Username: Lamchop_8St.Louis, Missouri USA Post Number: 26 Registered: May-09 | Can anyone please help me |
Gold Member Username: HdubbTeam Revolution Post Number: 4116 Registered: Nov-04 | no one has that answer. how big of a box? how much power? daily? spl? |
Bronze Member Username: Lamchop_8St.Louis, Missouri USA Post Number: 27 Registered: May-09 | My enclosure is walled 12.6 cuft. (After all displacements) its going to be a daily setup. I dont know what amp I'm choosing right now between these two. Which is best??? Kicker Rockford |
Gold Member Username: Drant19DUB-C, TX Post Number: 1580 Registered: Aug-07 | 12.6 cu ft for 1 sub?? im guessing your gonna be doin an 18? both subs are great...however i would look at different amps that can be run lower than 1ohm for bursts if your competing.. i would never have a wall for daily. my .02 |
Bronze Member Username: Re_xxxGreen River, Wyoming U.S.A Post Number: 23 Registered: Apr-07 | For a daily application I would go with the HW. Much better efficiency. And now with the sql options they actually sound very good! Depending on the power.. I was personally told a lvl 5 won't take more than 4k daily... But for burps...there both a good option |
Bronze Member Username: Lamchop_8St.Louis, Missouri USA Post Number: 28 Registered: May-09 | No 12.6 cuft for both subs. I'm getting two 18's their having 6.3 cuft a piece. Is that enough space for 5k a piece? I going to do a little cometing but why would'nt you use a wall for daily setups? Please answer all questions!! ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Drant19DUB-C, TX Post Number: 1584 Registered: Aug-07 | 2 18s with 10k is hardly a "daily listener"... and a wall would tear up your car and suspension. |
Bronze Member Username: Lamchop_8St.Louis, Missouri USA Post Number: 29 Registered: May-09 | I think I'm going with the rockford amp. Its just as good and cheaper!!! I'm buying four amps 2 amps for each sub which means that will be close to 5k for each sub. Does that sound good or what? |
Bronze Member Username: Lamchop_8St.Louis, Missouri USA Post Number: 30 Registered: May-09 | Quote: "2 18s with 10k is hardly a "daily listener"... and a wall would tear up your car and suspension" Well if it will do all that how much db you think I'm going to hit? |
Silver Member Username: Prozack52Cincinnati, 2-audio puls... Post Number: 542 Registered: Feb-08 | depends on if u no what ur doing the db"s are going to depend on power install and ur charging system |
Gold Member Username: Drant19DUB-C, TX Post Number: 1586 Registered: Aug-07 | no one can tell you how many db's your gonna hit.. its impossible to know without having the exact same equipment in the same vehicle (which i doubt someone has) and 10k daily is going to need a monster charging system. the RF amps arent the most efficient amps either sooo...what are you trying to do here Chris? do you just want all out SPL, SQL? have you ever listened to 10krms??? |
Gold Member Username: FrkkevinTeam DLSSuperNatural... Post Number: 6493 Registered: Nov-05 | people with too much money and not enough knowledge ![]() |
Silver Member Username: Tiki89Post Number: 325 Registered: Oct-06 | "I'd go with the level 5. Sub just looks sexy as sh*t." Just proves how much of a worthless piece of sh!t you are, you know NOTHING....picking a sub on how it looks ha, moron...... |
Silver Member Username: Kingandsons07TEAM REVOLUTION Lincoln,NE Post Number: 560 Registered: Aug-08 | "people with too much money and not enough knowledge" LMAO i just wish i had the money ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: Lamchop_8St.Louis, Missouri USA Post Number: 31 Registered: May-09 | I'm getting 4 Rockford Fosgate T20001bd's (250 amps a piece total 1000amps) And my power is two or three three-hundred or two-hundred alternators and three kintik hc2400's. Is that enough power for me to beat on all day everyday? |
Gold Member Username: Drant19DUB-C, TX Post Number: 1589 Registered: Aug-07 | RF amps are not that efficient, they are beasts. Your going to need 1, preferable 2, 250+amp alts. and at LEAST 3 of those batts... answer my question, have you ever heard 10krms??? and x2 quentin lol i wish i had the money! |
Bronze Member Username: Lamchop_8St.Louis, Missouri USA Post Number: 32 Registered: May-09 | No I have'nt heard 10000wmrs and y? BTW what do you mean buy rf amps not being that efficent I thought they were good? Will they last long and play my subs good? |
Gold Member Username: SomedonniedudeIllinois Braaap MX Post Number: 2590 Registered: May-07 | "You know so much more than me donnie... And did I say I choose the DC because it looked better?" Well technically yes you did say "I'd go with the level 5." You should have been more direct with your answer if you intended something else, people on the internet aren't going to read your mind and know what you mean. It's just words on a page dude, too much stupid cr@p is lost in translation on forums. |
Bronze Member Username: Lamchop_8St.Louis, Missouri USA Post Number: 33 Registered: May-09 | Should I use sound deading? If so what brand and how much of it? |
Bronze Member Username: Re_xxxGreen River, Wyoming U.S.A Post Number: 24 Registered: Apr-07 | For sound deadening, the best I have used has been Second Skin... get ahold of Ant. Great Product!!!! |
Bronze Member Username: Lamchop_8St.Louis, Missouri USA Post Number: 34 Registered: May-09 | Where can I buy it at? please give me a link. |
Platinum Member Username: Rovin1 15 = 149.5 DBs ...Trinidad & T... Post Number: 14954 Registered: Jul-05 | have used both second skin & dynamat xtreme SS is better ... |
Gold Member Username: Talon01Team dc audio, Pa Usa Post Number: 2064 Registered: Jun-07 | i would use dynamat extreme personally and as far as the subs. i would go with yhe dclv5. "Depending on the power.. I was personally told a lvl 5 won't take more than 4k daily.." thats funny my lv 4xl's take my soundigital 8000 no problem and on a burp both of them. the lv5 is more musical than the hw in my opinion. i have had them both. |
New member Username: Roman_noodlesBalling, Usa Usa Post Number: 1 Registered: May-09 | "thats funny my lv 4xl's take my soundigital 8000 no problem and on a burp both of them. the lv5 is more musical than the hw in my opinion. i have had them both What is your impedence rise? Burp wise, subs can take more abuse because it is only a 3 second burst. I have had both subs as well and you are either deaf, dumb, or have no clue what you are doing. The HW sounds better on music period. Both subs take alot of power and get loud, but for daily the HW is the way to go. Takes the power better with music. But I guess when you are on Team DC Audio you have to hug some nuts. Second Skin is a better product than Dynamat as well. Second skin is superior. Also so no bs I have been here but lost my password. |
Gold Member Username: Talon01Team dc audio, Pa Usa Post Number: 2065 Registered: Jun-07 | thats kind of funny. who are you? rise to 1.4 from .25 and i know on burps. i was talking on music for the power handling. ps i was on team revolution and team dc when i won my championship |
New member Username: Roman_noodlesBalling, Usa Usa Post Number: 5 Registered: May-09 | I know not new here I seen you were on team revo and now dc. doesnt matter to me i am just statin facts from a non-bias party. so you were seeing under 8K total on music. i am me. you do not know me so it doesnt matter. but i would like to know which coil and suspension did you have on the HW. what power. what class you in now and what class then. |
Bronze Member Username: Lamchop_8St.Louis, Missouri USA Post Number: 35 Registered: May-09 | Ok you all know what my setup is so will that second skin most likely gain dbs for my system or lose them? |
New member Username: Roman_noodlesBalling, Usa Usa Post Number: 6 Registered: May-09 | Looks like you are going the right way. the second skin will help. i would look at another amp tho. the rockfords are inefficient and very power hungry. maybe look at running 2 rd 3250 or 2 hw6.0. do you live in st louis or suburb? |
Bronze Member Username: Lamchop_8St.Louis, Missouri USA Post Number: 36 Registered: May-09 | I thought Rockford made good amps it is CEA-2006 Compliant. |
Silver Member Username: Mpinto19kDallas/Fort Hood, Tx Post Number: 148 Registered: Feb-09 | No one is saying they are bad amps they are just not efficient amps for what your talking about doing. There is better out there that is more efficient. |
Gold Member Username: Talon01Team dc audio, Pa Usa Post Number: 2066 Registered: Jun-07 | sql version v2 same class they changed the classes around so i didn't have to change setups. on music 2 rd3250's are roughly close in power as 1 of my sd amp around 6k. the rd's did it at .5 each and the sd is at 1 ohm for music. in spl application its a huge difference. nothing personal but the statement of deaf,dumb or dont know what i am doing a little rough. so my qualification's are pretty good since i am a sq sound judge and i am a north american champ in spl stock 1. what are yours? |
Gold Member Username: Talon01Team dc audio, Pa Usa Post Number: 2067 Registered: Jun-07 | what kind of money you looking to spend chris? |
Bronze Member Username: Lamchop_8St.Louis, Missouri USA Post Number: 37 Registered: May-09 | I dont want to spend more than 13K. I'm may still get the four rockford amps but if I dont I'll just gett four kicker zx2500.1's. But mainly set on rockford for now. |
Bronze Member Username: Re_xxxGreen River, Wyoming U.S.A Post Number: 25 Registered: Apr-07 | Ummmm... I also have experience and the HW owned the LVL 5 in SQ.... and the HW's I was using werent even SQLs, they were the regualr versions. A lot of it depends on application, but I could burp my setup then a minute later go and play some lil jon and jeezy and have superb SQ with the HW's The LVL 5's I could not do that with |
Silver Member Username: PoprocksPost Number: 154 Registered: Mar-09 | You are asking LOTS of question that you should know when getting/having a system like this. You are getting in WAY over your head. |
Gold Member Username: Hittin1TEAM REVOLUTIONLake Charles... Post Number: 3214 Registered: May-07 | Cmon peeps. We've already been through this and I highly doubt that he will accomplish such a major build judging by the questions that he is asking.. Chris, I am NOT trying to be a d!ck but you need to slow down and think about the questions that you are asking. The advice that is being given yoiu is solid for the most part. But you aren't listening... If you keep it up you will not get much serious help in the future.. I have seen it on here time and time again. and it just gets old. And here we go again with the exact wall volume w/o knowing what subs you are gonna use. c/mon dude. |