So I decided to make sure that I had my gain set right with a DMM. I don't have one myself so I thought that the only place in town that does car audio would have one I could use for about 10 min. Long story short I could use it for $30. Yea f*ck them, thought you all should know.
DMM's were not made just for car audio....lmao. Try a hardware store, a Home Depot, Walmart, Target, Checker, Autozone, Radioshack, etc... And it's ridiculous*
i have one about 15 min away and i always go to that store first before any others when needing some kind of equipment...theres also a massive pawn shop right next door, so they usually have some good cheap crap lol.
if it makes you feel better, I asked a local (fairly large car audio shop that sponsers a car audio centered show in texas) shop if I could get metered or how much would it be for me to use their meter for 30min. long story short, after explaining what a decibel meter was, one of the installers goes "oh you mean a DB meter. hell no we don't have one of those, sheit is too expensive."