There have been a lot of folks who have helped me on here the last few months as I have been putting together and experimenting the best car stereo stuff for me. I am still in the works but for now am very happy with my results. A special thanks to Glass and Johnathan and others to many to mention that have helped me on there. Right now I have a Kove Armageddon 15 incher single voice coil with a Hifonics Brutus amp pushing it at 500 watts rms and damn if this thing does not kick. I still want to upgrade some time to a Brahma at 2 ohms dual and then my amp will put out 1500 watts but got to save some more pennies for that. I also have coming on Monday some Infinity Perfect 6.5 and have a Zapco AG 360 amp to power them with, again brands and models recommended by this group (hell I never even heard of Zapco before) so I hope I am on the right track, am not done yet but for now am out of cash for car stereo stuff. I think once I get these perfects in I will be cool for a while, then will add a new head unit and some 6x9 and then will have the best damn car stereo in Texas, (well, maybe the best in my neighborhood anyway) Thanks again to everybody for your quick and great advice, I have looked at other car forums on the net and it is refreshing to get REAL advice, with explainations behind it rather than just some crap like "Audiobahn (Sony, whatever) Kicks A** As someone who was taken in by Audiobahn's pretty looks I am glad I checked here first before buying anything. Once again thanks to each and every one of you.
Glass I don't have it hooked up yet, getting the Kappa Perfects on Monday (the Zapco is going to power those) so hopefully will have everything going by the end of the week. Since they are componants and require more skill than I have to put them in the doors I am going to pay Circuit City to put them in for me. Will let you know. Thanks
Yes I agree with you in general but the one I use has a couple of guys that are really good. They have done a Viper alarm/remote install for me which I am really happy with, and one of the guys has a truck very similar to mine and showed me the componant install he did, and it looks great so this is why I am going with them.