Silver Member Username: Teamdeboy1971OPTIDRIVE LN. La F..., TN Major Bass P... Post Number: 607 Registered: Nov-06 | How do you know if you have good sound quality? I have wanted to ask this question for a while, but didn't want to seem stupid! Also, I have like a Mecca cd that has the spl sounds and freq. so I want to know if you can have good SQ without having a component with a x-over set-up? For example could I have like 2 10"s or 15"s in the back and only have 6x9"s and have good sound quality? I really am an ameture when it comes to the door speakers that have a 6" round with an electrical box and a tweeter you have to put together somehow and adjust it into your system! I had the Ranger done and 5x7's in the doors and the TB 8's in the back BUT he said I didn't have a hu with a lpf/hpf So, I would over ride my sound! I am sorta getting it but I am really confused! one more thing! I just bought a Panasonic CQ-C9700U does anyone no if its a good hu? I havn't hooked it up yet! Sorry for rambling, but I can't afford the big expensive component door systems! |
Gold Member Username: Basebalz13Moneta, Va Usa Post Number: 1483 Registered: Aug-07 | sound quality in competition is not based on what sounds good, but rather what sounds accurate to the recording, and what sounds natural as in when a guy talks if you can hear the deep throaty voice. also there is imaging and stage depth to consider and how the "stage" is set up around you.... and etc |
Silver Member Username: Kingandsons07TEAM REVOLUTION Lincoln,NE Post Number: 542 Registered: Aug-08 | i think its all opinion. like going to an eye doc and him ask witch one is clear. |
Gold Member Username: Basebalz13Moneta, Va Usa Post Number: 1484 Registered: Aug-07 | depends on what type of sound quality you are talking about, if you are talking about what sounds good then yes its all opinion. but if you are talking about sound quality in stereo competition then it is far from one's opinion or it wouldnt be far for competitions.... |
Gold Member Username: Hittin1TEAM REVOLUTIONLake Charles... Post Number: 3118 Registered: May-07 | sound Quality is definitely subjective. . |
Gold Member Username: Basebalz13Moneta, Va Usa Post Number: 1487 Registered: Aug-07 | yes from the way he describes it, i think he is looking for whats "sounds good" which is subjective from person to person.... |
Gold Member Username: FrkkevinTeam DLSSuperNatural... Post Number: 6449 Registered: Nov-05 | there is a difference in sounding good and making the recording sound as it should it is a subjective to an extent for anyone who knows how music was recorded and what it is suppose to sound like.. then SQ is the same |
Gold Member Username: Basebalz13Moneta, Va Usa Post Number: 1488 Registered: Aug-07 | haha thanks kevin ![]() |
Gold Member Username: JkidderWorlds gunna end, In 2012 Post Number: 4065 Registered: Nov-05 | lmao if we had sigs "i think its all opinion. like going to an eye doc and him ask witch one is clear." would be in mine!! hahahahahaha |
Silver Member Username: CozceSt. Louis ILLside, Pronounced: ... U.S.A. Post Number: 714 Registered: Mar-08 | Sound is subjective. |
Silver Member Username: Teamdeboy1971OPTIDRIVE LN. La F..., TN Major Bass P... Post Number: 611 Registered: Nov-06 | I didn't know if they have a method or an "individual" who judges on Sound Quality! You would think SQ would be alot easier to obtain than SPL, But I can see now sound quality on a competition level would be really hard to achieve. I guess for just out riding around, and having a good tight bass and good 6x9's that the bass is not over riding could be good to me and svck for another!! |
Gold Member Username: Basebalz13Moneta, Va Usa Post Number: 1491 Registered: Aug-07 | cozce once again sound on competition level is far from subjective... and yes it is very hard to obtain thus you dont see many people doing it |
Silver Member Username: Teamdeboy1971OPTIDRIVE LN. La F..., TN Major Bass P... Post Number: 612 Registered: Nov-06 | I like bass, but even my friends that like SQ like bass. I just didn't realize that a SQ system, there are still good bass you can feel but actually listen to music! I have always said I was an SPL junkie all the way, but I do not do the tone burst thing, so I guess I would not be just a spl head, I am a daily driver type guy i guess! I love to hear like Rap but the real bass spots in certain songs I like to feel !! Its a great hair raising feeling when the bass hits so hard that it tickles your ears and moves your hair!! So, I am a in between type of guy! |
Platinum Member Username: Nyyfan13Northern VA Post Number: 11372 Registered: Jul-06 | Just because you have a SQ system, doesn't mean it won't be loud. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but in order to compete for SQ you must be able to do atleast 130dbs on music. While this wouldn't exactly make the loudest system in the world, it does create an exceptional balance between bass output and music replication. Personally, I am trying to achieve this with my next system. My system won't be near the level of SQ as the top SQ competitors but it should prove to be pretty awesome and I am completely expecting to be able to do about 135 on the TL. |
Silver Member Username: Teamdeboy1971OPTIDRIVE LN. La F..., TN Major Bass P... Post Number: 613 Registered: Nov-06 | The whole reason I am even talking about the subject is that the other day when I was at the car audio shop a explorer pulled up and was bumpin' good. I walked over thinking I was going to see this big spl system, but on the other hand it had a 15" ID MAX Series with all component type door speakers and when I sat in the suv it was clearly amazing!!!! It was a chicks suv and she popped a cd in of some type of R&B and it bumped! It was so clear the voice and symbols were amazing! It changed my whole concept on SPL and SQ!! I want the best of both worlds! She said she had alot of money having the component pods built and the speakers I believe were infinity components, it was by far a great system. She popped some classic rock in and ACDC even Linkin' Park sounded good! I am impressed! |
Gold Member Username: Basebalz13Moneta, Va Usa Post Number: 1494 Registered: Aug-07 | haha depends on what competition yanks, in MECA you dont have to do a 130, also my door speakers alone last setup did lik a 124 i believe? rofl and im willing to bet youll be louder than 135 yanks :D |
Gold Member Username: FrkkevinTeam DLSSuperNatural... Post Number: 6452 Registered: Nov-05 | i think more of you people should hear how music is suppose to he heard then you would all understand how SQ is very limited to the saying it is subject to the listener imagine being a a good live concert.. you should be able to replicate that in your car ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Hittin1TEAM REVOLUTIONLake Charles... Post Number: 3123 Registered: May-07 | there is your sq scoring..... if the link works. critical listening is a whole different ballgame.. And in car audio, true SQ systems would cost more than 99.9% of SPL systems... By A LOT. I am not blessed with the critical "ear". But I know I am always adjusting something. |
Gold Member Username: Basebalz13Moneta, Va Usa Post Number: 1496 Registered: Aug-07 | very correct kevin, you car should sound exactly as it would in a concert, including when you close your eyes, you would not feel like your in your car rather sittin infront of the stage that is 100 foot wide. etc |
Silver Member Username: Teamdeboy1971OPTIDRIVE LN. La F..., TN Major Bass P... Post Number: 614 Registered: Nov-06 | I think its when we hear that first Bass beat that we can feel waaayy down in your gut, thats when audiophiles are created! I have been to Metallica in 86' and GNR when noone had heard of them! I keep wishing that I could get that concert sound in the car, its alot of blood sweat and tears and hours of tuning and only God knows how much money we all have sunk in all the systems we've all went through to get to where were at now. I do believe my bass will have some mids and highs added, I have always just let the HU power the 6x9's and door speakers but when you start getting some good components up front and a amp for them too. also tight bass, it will come together! Like the fist time I heard surround in a movie theater, I am an addict, a true audiophiliac!!LOL Thanks guys! |
Gold Member Username: Hittin1TEAM REVOLUTIONLake Charles... Post Number: 3133 Registered: May-07 | All this talk about concert sound is a lil misleading. If you are talking about being at a live concert, then the sound is dependant to where you are in the crowd. I go to MANY Metal, Rock, and classic rock concerts, and I have never been to a live show that sounded as good as my jeep. Although Clutch and Pink Floyd(David Gilmore) was pretty close. . Now as a collector of Live Concerts, well some of the DVD quality recordings are capable of being played through a good system and sounding great. But that is dependant on the recording and production quality. |
Gold Member Username: Hittin1TEAM REVOLUTIONLake Charles... Post Number: 3134 Registered: May-07 | And Sound quality is subjective in that what some people think sounds good someone else will like it a different way. But if you look at it from a definations standpoint withg equipment such as a dsp or an EQ, the goal of the settings is to eliminate peaks at certain freq's . But I like peaks at quite a few freq's, depending on music type and signal output(stereo,5.1,7.1, ect) . It is a preference. |
Gold Member Username: Hittin1TEAM REVOLUTIONLake Charles... Post Number: 3135 Registered: May-07 | if anyone wants to dive into sound spectrums and more, I have the complete pack of these plugins. Will keep you busyu for a long time if you let it. actually I have the top package on this page...the $899 one.. I will hook up anyone who wants a copy of em. |
Silver Member Username: CozceSt. Louis ILLside, Pronounced: ... U.S.A. Post Number: 715 Registered: Mar-08 | I said sound is subjective. Meaning based on the person. Has nothing to do with SQ or competition Dave... No RTA is needed for that subjective sound. |
Gold Member Username: FrkkevinTeam DLSSuperNatural... Post Number: 6453 Registered: Nov-05 | true, but perhaps these people who base their opinions on what they think sounds good really don't know what actually sounds good its like one retard speaking to another.. the one speaking could sound like a genius to the one listening .. lol the point is if everyone knew the answer, there would be no question like sound quality, if everyone knew how music was recorded the definition of sound quality would likely be very similar.. so how can one base opinion on sound if they themselves do not know what it should sound like? |
Silver Member Username: CozceSt. Louis ILLside, Pronounced: ... U.S.A. Post Number: 716 Registered: Mar-08 | lol. I with you Kev. Only thing is, sound is only what you make it... :/ |
Gold Member Username: FrkkevinTeam DLSSuperNatural... Post Number: 6455 Registered: Nov-05 | perhaps, or maybe the un-educated substitute reality with what they assume it should be |
Gold Member Username: Basebalz13Moneta, Va Usa Post Number: 1499 Registered: Aug-07 | lol i gave cozce some secrets on how to obtain good natural way it supposed to be SQ in a car |