Gold Member Username: MendonmafiaUSA Post Number: 1760 Registered: Aug-06 | looking to buy 2 12" aplha v2's (1500 rms ones) or a single loaded 15" btl. the alphas will be seeing around 2k each the btl 3k which dou you guys think will sound better? im pretty sure the alphas will get louder being more cone area and power and all but im talking about sq here and which will drop lower? tuning will be about 36 hz in either case. using ~120 inches of port area in either case. i was thinking 2 cubes net for each alpha and 4 cubes net for the btl. btw its just for a daily setup, it might never get metered. |
Gold Member Username: Hittin1TEAM REVOLUTIONLake Charles... Post Number: 3022 Registered: May-07 | I think the alphas will have better overall sq . The btls aren't really known for SQ. Both setups would be great imo , but you will have to be careful with the 2k on each Alpha.. They can handle it, if you are careful. The enclosure and install will be a HUGE factor it how you will like the SQ of either setup. The only Daily BTL setup I have heard on a regular basis was clean sounding, but the alphas are cleaner at a wider variety of freq.'s |
Gold Member Username: Hittin1TEAM REVOLUTIONLake Charles... Post Number: 3023 Registered: May-07 | idk what options he had in the btl setup. what were you looking into as far as options? |
Gold Member Username: SomedonniedudeIllinois Braaap MX Post Number: 2529 Registered: May-07 | Alpha's in general should sound much better than a BTL, but I haven't heard either sub in person. Don't know how they would compare in your application with givin power though. |
Bronze Member Username: PoprocksPost Number: 47 Registered: Mar-09 | I say RD,out of those two. Maybe 2 12" Fi Q Your install will make it or break it. |
Gold Member Username: Goodie_goopMid town, Texas U.S. Post Number: 1153 Registered: Oct-06 | I had an 18" Alpha and I heard a setup with 2 18" BL's and my alpha sounded better....both were daily setups but I have never heard a BTL so I don't know how it compares to the BL but I would imagin about the same. I would take the alphas |
Gold Member Username: FrkkevinTeam DLSSuperNatural... Post Number: 6388 Registered: Nov-05 | with that kinda power, two re xxx 04/05 models if you want a loud sql setup ![]() |
Gold Member Username: MendonmafiaUSA Post Number: 1762 Registered: Aug-06 | Yea kevin that would be nice but its out of my price range and i will need some luck to find a pair. Im gonna get the alphas. its gonna be about $200 more but it will be worth it in the end to have an easier install and save room in mt trunk. |
Platinum Member Username: Nyyfan13Northern VA Post Number: 11353 Registered: Jul-06 | You're running 3-4k and are worried about SQ? Maybe I need to rethink my SQ plans lol. |
Gold Member Username:, GA USA Post Number: 2545 Registered: Mar-06 | Mark, We have a sale on the Alphas going right now that will save you ALOT of money. Shoot me an email. Kevin |
Gold Member Username: MendonmafiaUSA Post Number: 1764 Registered: Aug-06 | how about a pair of hdc3's on 2k rms each? You guys think the alphas will sound better. should be close spl wise but i can get the hdc3's for a even better deal. |
Gold Member Username: Hittin1TEAM REVOLUTIONLake Charles... Post Number: 3056 Registered: May-07 | in term of SQ... Again the Alphas will do better than the hdc3's. 2000wrms is a bit more than i would personally throw on each hdc3 for a daily setup... side note.. You are picking out SPL subs and comparing them to a solid SQL sub in terms of SQ only. There are plenty of subs that are more SQ oriented than the Alpha. IMO the Alpha is a sql sub but leans 60/40---spl/sq. with the additional benefit that the upper bass is better than most with a normal 35 hz enclosure tuning..(hope that made sense to you). Even though i believe it is 60/40 spl (in sql catagory) The SQ is better (in the correct enclosure/install/power) than most SQ leaning SQL subs... Again I said most.. not all. And you have trouble finding more than a few that will get as loud while still maintaining that kind of SQ. The ones that can hang with them SQ wise usually will not handle (power wise) what the Alpha can (daily) and are usually higher priced for the most part. Again there are exceptions to every rule. lol Look for a couple of 04-05 XXX- used. but I wouldn't run 2000 wrms each to them unless you are confident that you know you are doing. |
Gold Member Username: Hittin1TEAM REVOLUTIONLake Charles... Post Number: 3057 Registered: May-07 | Or just get the Alphas.. You wont be disappointed. Especially if they are going for a great price. How much room will you have to work with? other good SQ/sql subs- SI Mag V.2 SS RL-P FI Q ID-Q ID-max ect... you get the point. There are MANY others. |
Gold Member Username: MendonmafiaUSA Post Number: 1765 Registered: Aug-06 | thanks mark, but i thought that 2k was nothing for a hdc3, arent a bunch of ppl giving theres 3k+ each? as of now its a toss up between the hdc3's and the alphas. Leaning harder to the hdc3's because i think they might have a spl advantage but it think the aplha will sound better. also the hdc3's still have a warranty on them. pair of alphas on ly costs $40 more than hdc3's. |
Gold Member Username: MendonmafiaUSA Post Number: 1766 Registered: Aug-06 | i got about 4 cubes to work with after displacements. I was going to run them firing forward sealed off from the trunk into the cabin. going to make the port area as large as possible. probably ~100+ inches of area for the pair of 12's. |
Gold Member Username: Hittin1TEAM REVOLUTIONLake Charles... Post Number: 3061 Registered: May-07 | you specifically said not SPL. The HDC3's will do that power for burps, ect. 3000 or even 2000 watts is too much for the 12's daily IMO. I would also say that the Alpha v.2 12's would be just as loud as the hdc3's and last ALOT longer on 2k each daily. just because the HDC3's are pretty much a spl sub, They sound better than I thought. In the correct box, they are very clear and not too sloppy. I really have nothing bad to say about them, you just compared them to a better sub. Either way Alpha>HDC3 Both are Great subs. If paying retail. The HDC3's are a better bargin, but who really pays retail for the most part? know what I mean? |
Gold Member Username: Snowball123West Allis, WI Post Number: 2637 Registered: Oct-07 | there are aluminum coil HDC's too. I've heard of some people throwing 2k at the copper coils and up to 4k to the aluminum coils. |
Gold Member Username: MendonmafiaUSA Post Number: 1767 Registered: Aug-06 | got the alphas after much confusion. but there almost new and i picked up a pair for only $530 shipped!!! Gonna blow my old sx 12's outta the water with my new install. |
Gold Member Username: Basebalz13Moneta, Va Usa Post Number: 1454 Registered: Aug-07 | wanna give me the SX 12's? ![]() |
Gold Member Username: MendonmafiaUSA Post Number: 1768 Registered: Aug-06 | already sold em. |
Gold Member Username: MendonmafiaUSA Post Number: 1769 Registered: Aug-06 | already sold em. Got a loaded 15" btl BNIB tho if your interested. $400 shipped |
Gold Member Username: Th3pwn3rI compensate... Post Number: 9309 Registered: Jul-06 | Ugh, who cares who thinks X sub will be better than Y sub. Try either setup and if you like it and are satisfied great, if not then switch it up. |
Gold Member Username: MendonmafiaUSA Post Number: 1770 Registered: Aug-06 | ^^^ been there done that, im getting tired of tearing my car apart and building new boxes and what not. I had a bunch of other pairs of 12's that i was not satisfied with. The btl wont fit so im back to another pair of 12's. hopefully running 4k vs 2k will satisfy my bass craving. going from 1-2k was only a slight improvement in SPL so im doubling the power again from 2k to 4k. also im making the port and subs firing into the cabin sealed off from the trunk with spray foam. also making the port area as large as possible. |
Gold Member Username: Th3pwn3rI compensate... Post Number: 9325 Registered: Jul-06 | If you've been there and done that then why the hell are you asking us what you should do? Do whatever YOU feel like doing. Retard. |
Gold Member Username: Th3pwn3rI compensate... Post Number: 9326 Registered: Jul-06 | Let's not mention you said "Not SPL" and then you b1tch about only getting "slight improvement in SPL". What you need to do is sit down and use your brain for a change, good luck with that one. |
Gold Member Username: Hittin1TEAM REVOLUTIONLake Charles... Post Number: 3074 Registered: May-07 | be careful with the gain, ect great choice. i would have gotten the hdc3 lol j/k |
Silver Member Username: Kingandsons07TEAM REVOLUTION Lincoln,NE Post Number: 525 Registered: Aug-08 | Alpha>BTL IMO and i have heard both ![]() |