i used to have a kicker zx750.1 which just had the gain knob so that as you turned it clockwise it turned up the output or whatever. my amp now is a hifonics bxi1206d. the gain goes from 9volts to .2 volts..... how do i know where to set the gain? is it the same as the kicker amp?
If you don't have a multi-meter, or just want to be lazy, you can do what I do. Turn your gain all the way down. Turn your HU volume up to the highest volume you will listen to it at, but not all the way up. Then turn your amp gain up to where the subs don't get louder. Play with it a little around that area to get the best sound. If it sounds like crap, your amp is clipping and you don't want that, so turn the gain down some. Then turn the HU volume up and down to make sure the sub volume goes up and down with it. All your "gain" is, is an input sensitivity adjustment. If it's too high, your amp will hit max output at low volume, then sound like crap (clipping) at high volume. Set right, it will be a good mix of subs and components no matter what volume. Hope that helps. BTW, good post Paul. Lots of good info in those vids.