

Unregistered guest
i have a mono amp 600rms....how did u guys connect ur subs. wat do u use to connect tha wires 2gether..like postive to postive of subs..then connected postive to tha amp..how u join tha wires or wat u do?

Silver Member
Username: Davids2004

Houston, TX USA

Post Number: 111
Registered: Jun-04
What subs are you trying to run. Are they dvc or svc and what ohms.

Unregistered guest
oh ya there infinity(2)1230w subs svc...they are 4ohms but i want them at 2ohms cuz i hav a mono amp..mtx 6001.

Silver Member
Username: Davids2004

Houston, TX USA

Post Number: 115
Registered: Jun-04
Ok if they are svc 4 ohm here is what you will do. That mtx amp is a mono amp which means its internally bridged on the inside of the amp. It should have two sets of speaker connections. Run one sub to one set of connectors and the other sub to the other set and that will give you your 2 ohm load your looking for.

Unregistered guest

Unregistered guest
oh are u serious..i was on the infinty website it has a diagram ..it shows tha 2 subs postives are connected..and tha 2 negatives are connectd 2gether goin to tha amp...

Silver Member
Username: Davids2004

Houston, TX USA

Post Number: 118
Registered: Jun-04
Well you can do it like that but if you have two sets of speaker connects on your amp you can run it like I was talking about above since your amp is already internaly bridged it will do the same thing as the wiring diagram. With SVC subs its easier to wire it like I stated above unless the clips on the svc subs have two places to connect at. Im sure ive confused you by now so connect like I was talking about above. Now if your amp only had one set of speaker connectors then you would connect like the website said to.

Unregistered guest
and i was lookin at tha amp manual..it shows that 2 subs are connected straight tha terminals(sub + to amp+..sub- to amp -)????

Silver Member
Username: Davids2004

Houston, TX USA

Post Number: 121
Registered: Jun-04
On your amp how many sets of speaker connections do you have. Do you have two + and two - on the amp. So basically it would be like + - + - or
- + - + or is there only one set of speaker connections.

Unregistered guest
its + - + - ...... but i have sum old subs in ma car till ma box gets made ..i have them hooked like how u said it..dont sound like 600watts rms ..i duno

Silver Member
Username: Davids2004

Houston, TX USA

Post Number: 122
Registered: Jun-04
Well you can hook it up like the website says but its gonna give you the same output.

Unregistered guest
ok if u said all that how would i get it at 4ohms

Silver Member
Username: Davids2004

Houston, TX USA

Post Number: 123
Registered: Jun-04
you can get it to 4 ohms by only using one sub cant do it using both subs. Why would you want it at 4 ohms?

Unregistered guest
just to see if i hooked mine like that..but thanks for tha help ..ill chek out ma amp again
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