Adire Audio Shiva-aren't these for HOME THEATER and NOT for CARS!!!1
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Been searching around on the web and been reading alot of review. MOST of what I read are used in home audio/theatre application. SO why are people recommending it for car audio???? Am I mistaken for another product?
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hey professor x, i'm in the same boat as u are man. i totally thought that adire stuff are mostly for home audio but peeps keep bringin up that it pounds in cars. maybe, but i haven't heard of any in car audio.
Unregistered guest
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Read the application for the adire shivas that people been recommended and it didn't mention a thing about mobile usage. ONLY HOME USAGE did it mention! CONFUSED...ANYONE ABLE TO SHED SOME LIGHTS ON THIS ONE????????
its all about the ohms man.... think about it, speakers dont need no catagory man.... its ohms law dude
Unregistered guest
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Emailed a rep. from Adire and this is his response:
"Shivas are suitable for mobile audio usage. Power is as listed in their description - 650W RMS. Note that this is a THERMAL power rating, and is NOT indicative of the power the driver requires or can handle in any and all applications. Actual mechanical power handling is dependent upon the application".
With that said, what the heck is THERMAL power rating????
A speaker is a speaker it doesn't know that it has to be used this way or that. If the speaker is right for the enclosure it's right wherever it is be it car or home.
The way I understand it Thermal power rating is the amount of power a speaker can take without the voice coil melting. The max excursion of the speaker could well be reached way before this.
They are good for either, on their old site it stated the Shiva under car and home audio, they are good for each. Like Redskin said, thermal ratings are the maximum wattage the voice coil can handle without failure (overheating), the mechanical x-max can and in most applications will be reached before the thermal limit.
the thiele-small specs of the Shivas and Brahmas both lend themselves well to a mobile setting. the shiva needs around 300-500 watts to reach full mechanical excursion. A brahma needs about 600 watts.
the power handling rating of a speaker means simply one thing: How much power (translated to heat) a speaker's voice coil(s) can handlw without melting. This does not mean that if a speaker says "1200 watts RMS) that it NEEDS 1200 watts to reach peak performance, and peak excursion. This is one of the most common mistakes I see made in the audio world.
Now, a shiva comes as a dual 8 ohm coil driver, so two shivas with coils in parallel, and both subs in parallel to a mono amp will give a 2 ohm load. This is a good match to most mono amplifiers.
What size amp would be good for the Shiva in a moble environment. I have the JBL 600.1 Amp and I want to make sure it is good for powering two Shivas in parrelel. If not, which Adire speaker would?
I have an Adire Brahma 15" and it pounds. It is easily the best sub I have ever run. I had it in the back of my Bronco. However, I must part with the Bronco. On to the next project! Anyone want to buy my Brahma? ;)