i used to run 2 12" L7s in 4 cubes tuned to 38 hz and it got loud and still sounded good on music i tried a 4 cubic foot box tuned to 45 hz it got loud on the higher notes but wasn't quite as musical
im tring to go to comps with it an im in amateur so i cant use sound waves an have to use music. do you know what you were scoring? right now in the box im using i can only get up to 137 im thinking they can do alot better in some better boxs
what would be thee best tuning frequencyfor two 12 L7 so it will sound really good for comps.
This depends strictly on the vehicle. What make and model is it?
Also, which song do you plan on playing?
You may luck up and find somebody that has already done alot of testing with your vehicle, but usually, you are going to have to do the testing yourself.