im going to get a buddy to drive my car, and 2-3 other friends to park infront of his house and just pound some beats till we gotta go :D see how much noise we can make
Yes please do. I've got these retarded kids living a few doors down that always blast their walmart sht. No one thinks its special, and their music sucks. 99% of the time when someone feels the need to irritate others and try and show off like a dck it's because they're compensating for how small theirs is imo.
i got a ticket back in december or so... it was when i had my 12s in. im a juvenile so i had to go to court, and the just dismissed it. just the other day i got pulled over on a highway, non-residential area. i got yelled at because none of the other cars wanted to hear me. but no ticket. so all in all,
i think turning it down in a residentual area is the best policy
well i drove by the guys house its right on a corner of a semi main road so lots of people pass with there music etc... but he told me it was the 4th time i went by his house that day which i just got off work a 40 min drive away and only time other then that was at 7 in the morning. but he raced after me its a few blocks from were im at and pulled in behind me and grabbed my sholder told me if i ever go by his house again he was basically going to smash up my car and woop my aas( told him i wanna see him try it and to never touch me again ..w.e) and he went off pinned it off had the cops already called and they pulled up like right when he left i was going to follow him to see where he lived.. it was at like 5 in the after noon.. shitty day but because i still have insurance and sh..t i let a buddy drive my car he told me he parked it by the dudes house for 5 min with the stereo blasting (put on- young jeezy)and nothing happened..oh and when he left my car he smacked my chest kinda thing trying to show hes a badass or w.e not sure but i was sitting in my car the whole time and he just bitched(car door open) best thing was he said his windows were rattling and i didnt even have my music cranked(i laughed said sorry and what not)
right wehen he pulled over and started talking about the stereo i said sorry and whatever right away told him i wouldnt go by his house with it up anymore and e flipped so its just stupid
nonono i got the tickets and w.e lost my licence that was last monday or tuesday but on sunday or w.e a buddy of mine used my car to return some movies or someshit and because i told people what happened he parked by the guys house and played music (he told me)so pritty sure he did but that was almost a week after
So you ghetto-blasted his house at 7 am too? I would have punched him the moment he put his hands on me, or filed assault charges against him. If someones angry at me they can use their big-boy words unless they really want to fight.
If you were waking my wife up at 7 am I'd be pissed too.
Hmmm, kinda sounds like you deserved that ticket man. But it was a little hard to read, so I may not be fully understanding you. You should know better than playing loud music when in populated areas. Yes I've been ticked for music but I was about 10 miles past B.F.E. in the middle of absolute friggin' nowhere. (Still not sure what he was doing way out there)
and it doesn't matter what time of day it is, if you're in ANY residential area, keep it down.
it doesn't matter if its 7am or 3 pm, some people works 3rd shift and sleep during the day.
i got pulled over the other week for "not yielding to a stop sign",(i wasn't playing AYN music) even though i did. after he wrote me the ticket he told me that he'd heard me car before when he was off duty, so im pretty sure thats why he pulled me over.
^ and thats another reason not to crank it in residential areas, because off duty cops will remember your car and pin you with some BULLstuff tickets
maybe if i cranked the music with windows down i would feel like i was an ashole but i dont over crank it around most housing and almost always have windows up.. the guy that lives across the road from me has 2 twelves and drives home any time threw the night (car also has aloud muffler) and he hasnt got any complaints its sometimes midnight and u hear him bumping its all dyno matted but still not a problem hearing every tone im not sure about it all i think im going to fight the ticket tho
ohh. I understand, So the houses are trailers? That would explain the ratteling windows. The dont have foundations, Just usually jacked on blocks or crates. And when did his muffler fall off? I would have been pissed to. Good thing you called the cops. they will sort it out. Was the pizza good?