right now this is still on the drawing board for a comp. van, but say i was to run an 8000w RMS system(16000 max), with 3 mechman HO alts, would 3 kinetik 2400 batteries be a good enough power source?
the amp i would be thinking of using is an RD7250.1
once again, THIS IS ALL IN THEORY, i have no actual plans yet, im just drwing everything up, looking at rices of how much this project would cost, etc. So as of right now idk exactly what equipment i would be using.
never seen that amp before is it good? but i LOVE the way the RD7250 looks, and i know it can perform.
so would those kinetiks be enough?
all together i came up with a price..
minus shipping costs, the total would be somewhere between 8500- 9000.
i sold my 18" BL the other day for 250.
this project would consist of this.
8 15" Fi BLs, in a chevy express van, 4 on one wall facing drivers side, 4 on another wall facing passengers side. the RD7250 (or z2Lv) in the middle of them, 3 kinetik 2400, 3 mechman HO 200A alts, a 50 foot spool of 0 AWG power and 50 ft. spool of 0 AWG ground, + wood.
i still havent looked anything into highs.
yay or nay?
this project woul take much help, and a little while to save up for.
lol youll need way more than 100' of 0g with the 3 alts (i dont think 3 are necessary at all) and three more batts along with atleast two amps you'll be lucky to get away with 200'
and if youre going to spend 9 grand on a system you better not be going with BLs. thats just ridiculous.
first of all you need to know what class youre competing in and build your van around that. will it be strictly burps, bassrace, sometimes driven daily, what.
no but i've never made anything for comps. and i have always wanted to. i just don't know exactly what all i should get done. i figured the 3 mechman 200A because the i thought the 7250 had a fuse rating of 600? (3 x 200= 600 lol)
and what do you suggest i get? i just threw BL out there because they were relatively inexpensive, looked nice, had a nice, even normal easy to work with wattage to find an amp for (1000/2000)
first of all throw out those 2400's and get some Powermaster D3100's i ran 1 Mechman 250 streetbeater and 3 of those 3100's on 5000-6000rms never had voltage drop below 14v's :D
2nd you dont need 3 mechman alts get 2 of the 250 streetbeaters, if your interested email me at basebalz13 at cs dot com
now for your wire you need more that 100 foot, go on ebay and look at that Knu KLM and get 100 foot blue and 100 foot silver
and for subs how about some Sundown nightshades built stock??? with testing believe someone took 2 stock 15's and hit lik a 151 or something
so you would be saying you could sell me the alts, instead of the kinetik batts, get powermaster instead, and 3rd, i have known that nightshades were good subs, but i've never seen them in action.
I'm gonna go look all this up right now. didn't someone on here break their moonroof with just 2 nightshades?...... so 8 of them would be like.....
Your goal would be very important to how you build. If you just want something to burp a high frequency you would probably want to look at things a bit different than if you were doing a low tuned ground pounder or bass-race machine. You could more than likely get away with 2 alternators, but 3 would be icing on the cake imo. I would get a MLA mod too- 15.5v is a much better voltage to work with than 13.8.
If you did less batteries with more alt I would run at least 4 runs of + and 4 - knu Kolossus. I think 1 D3100 every 2000w would be a good start.
I see nothing wrong with using 8 BLs, actually I think if done right would have a lot of potential. Best luck.
yes someone broke their sunroof with just 2 12" nightshades
troy has his point 3 alts would be beast, i guess it depends on how u are looking to build if you are going to build a burp machine then you dont need alts you need a nice battery bank that can discharge fast, if you are looking to build a bassrace machine then you need alts and a battery bank that has a high reserve capacity
yes ditch those kineitks and run the 3100's IMO best batts for multi purpose situation
and yes i can get you all the alts you need just tell me the year make and model and engine size u would need