Silver Member Username: TeamrevolutionATLANTA, GA USA Post Number: 580 Registered: May-07 | We have over 400 motors of the first Sonance v.1 left. We have been discussing building them all exactly like we built some for a few competitors last year and blowing them out directly to you guys. They would be a stronger version of the Sonance V.1 geared to ground pounders and SPL at low wattage. the subwoofer would be a dual stacked magnet 6.75" in diameter and use a 12 spoke basket with a paper cone. They sound good for street bass and get extremely loud on low power. For example last year Nick Walters did a 160.X with six 15" in a 1000-2000 modified class. Chris S. did a 155.X with one 12" in Midwest SPL in 0-500w class They did a 159.X in usaci with six of them in a 0-600 class So they get plenty loud and are still built in the USA. The handle 600 for 10 and 12" and 700w for 15" We were thinking of selling them to you for 125.00 Per 10" 135.00 Per 12" 155 per 15" All are dual 4 ohm, if enough of you want single 4's we will run some off. These subwoofers sold for 299-339 last year. They will all have our new caps on them as well. We are having a meeting on this today, please let me know your opinions. Thanks |
Gold Member Username: TurnmatRacine, Wi Post Number: 1013 Registered: Feb-07 | I would love to pick some up. What size ported box do the 15's need? Any chance of maybe doing some 18's? |
Diamond Member Username: BestmankindPost Number: 23296 Registered: Oct-05 | those are some sick prices. gl on everything steve. |
Gold Member Username: RedlinerWilmington, Ma Post Number: 5036 Registered: Jun-05 | hey steve how much space do you need optimally for 2 12's and or 2 10's all i have is 2.7 cuft to go with id like to go ported |
Silver Member Username: Vivi2000Owosso, Mi Post Number: 150 Registered: Aug-07 | That looks like an amazing deal. What are the recomended enclosure specs for a ported 15? |
Platinum Member Username: Rovin1 15 = 149.5 DBs ...Trinidad & T... Post Number: 14822 Registered: Jul-05 | gr8 deal for the guys in these hard times ... |
Silver Member Username: TeamrevolutionATLANTA, GA USA Post Number: 581 Registered: May-07 | Here are the pictures and we have over 200 ready to be sold as of now with sizes 10-15" Shipping is 20.00 per anywere in the lower 48. we are now taking orders. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Naledge503ATLANTA, GA USA Post Number: 4213 Registered: Jun-06 | April Fools!!! |
Diamond Member Username: BestmankindPost Number: 23303 Registered: Oct-05 | lol not much of a joke steve. now if you said the subs were like $40 each then you said april fools then its more believable. but the pricing on those you made on the first post seemed reasonable. lol. |
Silver Member Username: TeamrevolutionATLANTA, GA USA Post Number: 583 Registered: May-07 | I didnt say april fools someone switched there name look closer |
Gold Member Username: Naledge503Portland, OR USA Post Number: 4214 Registered: Jun-06 | Bwahahahaha. Whats up Ecoustics! Gotcha Chad. Good pricing on those Steve. Good luck with the sales. |
Silver Member Username: TeamrevolutionATLANTA, GA USA Post Number: 584 Registered: May-07 | If you buy more than one you only pay 20.00 shipping no matter how many you order. |
Diamond Member Username: BestmankindPost Number: 23304 Registered: Oct-05 | hahahahahaha damn. |
Platinum Member Username: Nyyfan13Northern VA Post Number: 11270 Registered: Jul-06 | Rofl at Jesse. Where the hell have you been Jesse? How's life bud? |
Gold Member Username: Snowball123West Allis, WI Post Number: 2536 Registered: Oct-07 | hahahaha. |
Gold Member Username: Dustin3D&L Audio Tech.Dustin Post Number: 4933 Registered: Oct-05 | haha you got me too jesse! jesse hit me up through email man. dl_blazer@yahoo |
Diamond Member Username: WingmanaliveWww.stainles... Post Number: 20164 Registered: Jun-06 | $155 for a 15"? Daaaaammmnnn. Those ARE April fools prices. Everyone should be lapping these up like warm milk. |
Gold Member Username: Hittin1TEAM REVOLUTIONLake Charles... Post Number: 2857 Registered: May-07 | RD FTW! |
Gold Member Username: Drant19DUB-C, TX Post Number: 1487 Registered: Aug-07 | how would they sound for a daily system? im in need of some new stuff and got the cash ![]() |
Gold Member Username:, GA USA Post Number: 2528 Registered: Mar-06 | They sound fine, just give a little break in time and you will be fine ![]() Kevin |
Gold Member Username: Drant19DUB-C, TX Post Number: 1488 Registered: Aug-07 | do they have the same SQ as the sonance v.2s? or are they more geared for SPL? what would u give them for SQ/SPL%s? for example - 40/60 |
Gold Member Username: Drant19DUB-C, TX Post Number: 1489 Registered: Aug-07 | sorry but ive only really heard a few subs in my life and really want something that has some great SQ to it. double post ftl... |
Silver Member Username: TeamrevolutionATLANTA, GA USA Post Number: 587 Registered: May-07 | I wouldnt say there an SQ subwoofer but they sound very good. Very musical, to were you tune @ 35 you will be able to do 28-60hz they have a really flat response curve. If this goes well i may do the same thing for the couple hundred studio v.1 parts i got but they are only 10" prob do them for like 75.00 They don't sound as good or get as loud as the sonance v.2 They get very loud off 300-600 rms top were a sonance can take more power but at them low wattage it is louder. |
Silver Member Username: TeamrevolutionATLANTA, GA USA Post Number: 588 Registered: May-07 | the guy in midwest SPL did 155+ on the dash clamped power under 500W in that class with one 12". It was a CRX but it was louder than any of the other dozen or so subwoofers he tryed including one of ours. |
Gold Member Username: JakeyplaysbassSt. Louis, MO / ASU Post Number: 3589 Registered: Jul-05 | Awesome deal. |
Platinum Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 11349 Registered: Jun-04 | Steve is there a chance I could get a deal on a rd 1750 and dual 2 ohm coils put on a single 15. If it will handle that much power for just a spl burp. |
Gold Member Username: TurnmatRacine, Wi Post Number: 1014 Registered: Feb-07 | What is the optimal ported box for a 15" and what tuning? |
Silver Member Username: TeamrevolutionATLANTA, GA USA Post Number: 589 Registered: May-07 | 15" is approx 3-3.5 cubes ported and anywere from 32-44hz would work well. They will handle a 1750 for a burp. Send me a email @ and i will see what can be done. |
Gold Member Username: ZacdavisBeloit, Wi Post Number: 1736 Registered: Dec-03 | Steve, are you talkin about Justin Whitty doin the 155? |
Silver Member Username: TeamrevolutionATLANTA, GA USA Post Number: 590 Registered: May-07 | chris samsel |
Gold Member Username: Big_edge_headMilwaukee, WI Post Number: 3642 Registered: Mar-07 | lol |
Silver Member Username: TeamrevolutionATLANTA, GA USA Post Number: 591 Registered: May-07 | Ill try to call him to get exact info. |
Bronze Member Username: A12voltman80St. paul, Mn Usa Post Number: 31 Registered: Feb-09 | do you think four 15" in my two door yukon will do over a 150? |
Silver Member Username: TeamrevolutionATLANTA, GA USA Post Number: 592 Registered: May-07 | I can't guarantee you any set number. With four 15" and proper power and enclosure the potential is definitely there but there are way too many variables to give you a yes or no answer. |
Silver Member Username: TeamrevolutionATLANTA, GA USA Post Number: 593 Registered: May-07 | it was diffrent class than 500W he did 155. with 500w it was 145.8 and 1000w 151-152 on dash the 155 was usaci |
Gold Member Username: ZacdavisBeloit, Wi Post Number: 1737 Registered: Dec-03 | Mike, 2 15 RD's with a decent amp and the right box will do 150 in your Yukon, I guarantee that![]() Steve, thats ok, I've got Cris's number, I planned on givin'em a call anyhow:D |
Gold Member Username: Drant19DUB-C, TX Post Number: 1492 Registered: Aug-07 | hey steve, i sent you an Email. |
Gold Member Username: MendonmafiaUSA Post Number: 1757 Registered: Aug-06 | will 2 15's take 3k daily? I dont have room for any more than that. |
Gold Member Username: RedlinerWilmington, Ma Post Number: 5051 Registered: Jun-05 | hey steve how much space would 2 12's need is 2.7cuft right or should I just stick with 2 10" |
Bronze Member Username: AtreidiesPost Number: 18 Registered: Mar-09 | Ordered 2 of these 12's today. Thanks for the great deal Steve. Can't wait to get them bumpin'. |
Silver Member Username: TeamrevolutionATLANTA, GA USA Post Number: 597 Registered: May-07 | lots of interest in these. We have already started building the final 200 of these. |
Silver Member Username: TeamrevolutionATLANTA, GA USA Post Number: 608 Registered: May-07 | we will have the single 4 ohm ready by the end of next week. |
Silver Member Username: TeamrevolutionATLANTA, GA USA Post Number: 610 Registered: May-07 | boxes for this sale and the other v.1 sale will be offered at a excellent price from AMI creations. you can contact him for the details. |
Silver Member Username: TeamrevolutionATLANTA, GA USA Post Number: 619 Registered: May-07 | almost 100 sold!!!! |
Gold Member Username: SomedonniedudeIllinois Braaap MX Post Number: 2517 Registered: May-07 | Think a 12" dual 4 will handle ~900w abused daily? My friend is looking for a sub, he's kinda new to audio so he probably won't always give it a clean signal lol. How will these perform sealed? Any idea on box size for sealed and/or ported? Idea on minimum port area and recommended port area? It's for a very musical daily application. Mounting depth? Space is a big issue. Thanks Steve. |
Gold Member Username: SomedonniedudeIllinois Braaap MX Post Number: 2540 Registered: May-07 | ^ |
Silver Member Username: TeamrevolutionATLANTA, GA USA Post Number: 621 Registered: May-07 | At 900w rms i would reccomend the Sonance V.2 or run on more of these. The Box size is1.33 for the 10" 1.75 for the 12" They sound real good for daily. If you provide me with the size you have available i can plot something out. |
Gold Member Username: SomedonniedudeIllinois Braaap MX Post Number: 2542 Registered: May-07 | I don't have dimensions on hand, but it's for my buddy's 99'reg cab ram1500. They have a good amount of room behind the seats for a reg cab truck. I really want to try a 12" sonance v2, but can't seem to find any used ones. You guys don't happen to have any b-stock/imperfect or used ones laying around do you? |