you need to get rid of all the subs, amp, and box.
1st off, never mix subs in an install. 2nd- every peice of equipment that you mentioned is way below quality standards..
What vehicle? what is budget for subs, amp, and enclosure?
just about and decent 2-12 setup built to specs will blow what you are currently running away. Can you build your own ported enclosure if you had the plans in front of you?
For about 500-600 bucks you can build you a lil budget system that will open your eyes to real bass.
When do subs really start to shine, from being heard form far away, to SPL in side. theres little local comps around here but ive never competed yet i hear most hit 120+ dbs so id like somethign aronud there
if i was to run 2 12"s what would be a good setup?
i can afford to be loud. i have time and time means money so i dont wanna spend a FORTUNE but i can definately afford quality sound.
also if i did go 2 12"s in a ported what direction would be best since my seats fold down? twards the front or twards the trunk?
im driving a 2000 Mustang with Very small trunk space height wise.
get 2 12" kicker comp vr and match it with and nice ported box, amp. probly under $400. you will be hitting around 142db if everything is set up right.
how can you tell someone what there gonna hit as far as numbers?
first of all what kind of car do you have? might have something to do with it .. if the guy is driving an 88 steel box on wheels ... hes not hitting ne where near that in a trunk car with no expierience ...
secondly ... comp vrs will not 2 a 42 in a ported box unless u really know what ur doing .. and i almost guarntee there arent many people on this forum that know what there doing ... and yes ive had cvrs and they are good budget woofers but in no way will they put significant numbers without alot of work and a very good box and vehicle ...
this forum is almost worthless when it comes to knowledge maybe a handful of people can have a coherent conversation about car audio ... but good news for the people that actually stay here ... wolfcalibur can guarntee ull do a 42 in any car with compvrs and a ported box .. something to look forward too
Mike Loudon im just basing it from experiance, dont hate dude. last event of the year i was going up against a guy with that setup with the same style mustang. he hit 142.9 in a tie breaker with me and i beat him with .1. it was very close. dont talk smack unless you got ur facts straight.! you dont know me so stfu.
i got plenty of facts and when it comes down to it u nor the kid who started this thread will be doing that with cvrs end of discussion ...
so before u run ur mouth ... make sure u have some evidence .. cuz right now u dont have $h1t... cuz with 2 l7s i did almost 10 dbs loud then u did .. must hurt to know u cant put up numbers
Right. So ur telling me that my eyes are lying to me, i saw the guys setup and he was metered right before me. u did 10 db's more then me with the same setup, ur full of sh!t. my setup is in a camaro and in a sealed box, i would like to see u even coming close to me score with the same setup, oh and that 143db was on music ;)
i would like to go as lound as i can without getting any electrical upgrades. currently just want sound dont think electricle upgrades will be needed to make me happy.
im starting to think 2 12"s will not fit in my trunk and i may need to go with 2 10"s ported
Looks like ive been missing alot by not getting on lately, syke.
JM- 2 10" quality subs in a ported box with the correct amp has the potential to be very loud and clean. If you dont want to upgrade your alternator stay around ~1000w RMS total (take into effect if you want to run a front stage amp).
Give us a price limit and it will make it much easier for us to help you.
Wolfy- "get 2 12" kicker comp vr and match it with and nice ported box, amp. probly under $400. you will be hitting around 142db if everything is set up right."
That entire quote ruins all of your credibility in this thread. You can call Mike out all you want but in reality everyone who knows anything about audio can see every flaw in the comment. Please dont make us go into details on why its incorrect and just move on.
i can spend about 300 on a amp and than subs i can maybe spend 150-200 a piece on subs and the box i can get from Qpower on the cheap theres a distributer near me.
You could go with 2 10" sdc2.5's off of 1000-1200 watts rms. I would stay away from square subs as the surround seems to wear out quicker. Just for electrical upgrades your talking $500-1000 depending what you do.
Wow, I'm glad i stayed out of this thread, but I can no longer resist. Wolf, Mike is right for the most part, but you could be right on the #'s IF the OP knows what he is doin'. As for Pit(syph.... not trying to call you out, but DAMN) you are WAYYYY off on the recommendation. Please think before you post something like that. You normally are pretty good about givin' decent advice but I don't think that you were paying attention. If I have to explain why, then you really have a problem. Back to the OP... You have received some decent advice on setups, but yet you keep talking about the Power Craptustic. Fluck that amp. Fluck the"looks" of an How much available space do you have? I am thinking that a single 15(depending on the sub) setup or a 2-10" setup might be a better option.. Look at Stavenmist's Revo *vid* thread. That is a single 15" on 1500 wrms. that is a solid setup. Look for a new/used 15" REVO and an AQ1200 as a possible setup... There are many ways to go, but you have to listen to the right peeps(as with all forums). You will haveto spend a lil cash for a good box, because no matter what sub(s)/amp you go with, the setup will sound like shiit with a prefab or a box not built to specs for you setup. Good luck and let me know if you want other setup options.
Yeah, It has been done, If he sends the opening dimensions to Fisher, I'm sure they could make a design that would fit. Fisher has probably done that sub/car combo before. I've even gone as far as to finish the box in trunk, but that's another story. If he wants a quality setup then he will ask the right questions(ex look at thread title and look the OP and questions) and follow thru instead of taking shortcuts(like most noobs-including myself in the past) then he should be iight. look into the epic or the revo, both require less space than most quality subs. He could run that amp @ 2 ohms with a single epic. He could run a RD Sonance on that amp too and it would sound good and slam as well According to Steve(owner). The RD Sonance can take very small boxes and still get loud.
i know im right i ran cvrs for a long time and i know what im doing ... i was doing high 30s in a hatch off a kx1200.1
regardless ... a single woofer .. nice sealed box .. and 1k rms and u should be fine .. mustang trunks are the worst by far ... get a sealed box ... and a 12 inch woofer ... put good clean power to it be done
The kind of port you use depends on what kind of room for your box. If the box you build is a little small for your subs then you can use aero ports to try and save a little extra room. Otherwise you could put the aero ports on the out of the box giving you alot more room in the box.