Hi, i dont know much at all about car audio, well, basically nothing. But i recently got subs installed in my trunk, they worked fine for a couple of weeks but they were loose and everything i would make a turn they would hit a side of the trunk. Then, all of a sudden they stopped working, i go check it out and the cable from the amp to the subs are disconnected, the negative and positive. Ive tried connecting them back knowing which ones was pos and neg), but they don't seem to work. I think the problem is that i am not connecting them correctly, they're cables with loose wires on the tip and my subs have 2 like metal mini cylinder that come out and have holes in them. one is black and other red, i put the cable through the whole and screwed the cap on them, nothing happens, lol i know i mite seem retarded but i don't know much about this stuff. Someone help me PLEASE!
check the lights on your amp, there should be something that tells you if its on or not. if there's a "protect" light, then somethings wrong somewhere. if not then ur subs are messed up somewhere. check your settings on your HU as well.
FTW-if you're not planning anything big, you should just bolt the box down.
yeah they were loose in the trunk but it was a big box, they are cheap shitty sub sony xplod with the xplod amp, the only thing disconnected was the amp cables to the sub and now i dont know how to connect them back corretcly to make them function.
You might have jarred something loose in the terminals as well since the big box was able to slide around. When the speaker wires pulled out it could have fucked with the terminal(s). If the subs don't work after you reconnect everything try taking off the terminal and direct connect the subs.
i wish i new what that means lol. i think the problem is the way im pluggin it back in, theyre not plugs butwires that slide through a whole and then a cap is twisted on, or at least i think that is how.
1)Make sure your fuse under the hood and the one(s) on the amp arent blown. 2)Make sure power, ground and RCAs are connected to the amp 3)Make sure the speaker wires are running from + on the amp to + (red) on the terminal and - on the amp to - (black) on the terminal. 4)If nothing still, pull the subs out of the box and see if the wires on the inside of the box were disconnected. 5)If nothing still grab two wires. Stick one end of the wires directly to the terminals of the sub and the other ends into a wall socket and take a small tack hammer and beat the crap outta your amp. 6)Buy other stuff. Better/working stuff
Actually skip one through 5 and just try step 6 and 7. I think that would solve the problem
lol well, the only thing was the cables got disconnected from the sub and i tried connecting them and it dosnt work, i think im connecting them wrong or something happend to the tip of the cables when they got ripped off. any suggestions for that?
Are you connecting the speaker cables to the box with banana plugs? If not then it's as simple as re stripping the ends of the wires and connecting them to the terminals.
If you're using banana plugs then...
If not then simply insert the newly stripped ends directly into your terminals.
thats the best explanation and pictures i have ever seen, thank you soo much paul no joke, i will do that this weekend and post back for updates, once again thanks to all for all the tips