i understand that most ratings on RMS are rated at a 14.4 V. this md 2d is rated at 1500 rms at 1 ohm at 14.4V. however most cars, as my own, only mantains a 12V and some voltage. how much RMS would this MD 2D make at say 12V? I'm guessing around 1200 rms or so. I am thinking about getting 2 JL 10 w6's for my celica vs the one 12w7 I have now and I want to run a good, clean 1200 rms to them. I would just go with the MD 1D but after the voltage difference it wouldnt supply the full 1200 rms i am looking for. also from my understanding US amps is one of the most efficient amps on the market. is this correct? are there other amps you would recommend?
if no current is being pulled my cap reads around 14V. with music playing, even at a higher volume than i generally listen to it at on a normal basis it stays within the mid 12V area yes.