I have a 2 12' subs that push out 1000 watts each and i also have a 2000 watt amp everytime i drive around for 10 mins my music shuts off and won't start on till i restart my car. do i need a capacitor and how much farads?? or what else could it be
First Tim, Subs do not "push" watts. Your amp does that. The subs receive whatever is given to them by the amp.
everytime i drive around for 10 mins my music shuts off and won't start on till i restart my car.
This sounds like either you have the amp wired at too low of an ohm load causing it to go into protect, you are clipping your amp causing it to go into protect, or the amp is just bad.
Whatis your gain set at? What subs and amp are you running? How are the subs wired up? These must be answered in order to help you.
im having the EXACT same problem. i have a performance teknique icbm 779, 2 cvrs wired to 4 ohms and i recently upgraded to 4ga wire since i thought that would help.