i have a 1 farad lightning audio strike capacitor with a digital voltage readout. I'm trying to charge the cap but when i hook it up to my battery it only gets up to 10.7 volts with the car idling. The directions say it should only take seconds to charge the cap fully and the green light will dim then turn off. The green light on my cap stays on. I'm guessing the green light doesn't turn off because it is only going as high as 10.7 volts and it is not fully charged. What am i doing wrong? My battery has a readout around 12.6 volts when the car is not running. So i know its not my battery or my electrical system. I'm guessing i'm somehow not charging the capacitor correctly.
These are the directions on lightning audio's website.
Charge Card Method
1. Position the charge card on the capacitor (LED's facing up.) 2. Connect charge card "+" to positive (+) cap terminal. 3. Connect charge card "-" to negative (-) cap terminal. 4. Hand tighten terminal screws to secure charge card. 5. Connect RED wire to +12V power source. 6. Connect BLACK wire to -12V power source (or chassis ground.) 7. GREEN LED on charge card should illuminate. 8. When GREEN LED goes out, cap is charged.