Hello, Frist this is what I have: Sony Explode deck w/subdriver AudioBahn A8002T amp 2x Memphis 15mc124d-MClass 12" SUBS They are mounted in Ford F-150 Extended Cab Dual Subwoofer Enclosures Underneath rear seats.
OK now my system sounds like crap!!! for one thing the amp plays about a half an hour and quits, then there are the subs that I think the problem is the box is too shallow. The material is making a funny noise when the bass hits.
I want to drop these into my box: 2> JL Audio 12W3v3-4 - Subs and a SONY XPLOD SERIES MODEL XM-GTR6001 1,300 WATT POWER-HOUSE MONO-BLOCK AMPLIFIER !
please I would like alot of feedback and suggestions!!!! }}