Hello, Frist this is what I have: Sony Explode deck w/subdriver AudioBahn A8002T amp 2x Memphis 15mc124d-MClass 12" SUBS They are mounted in Ford F-150 Extended Cab Dual Subwoofer Enclosures Underneath rear seats.
OK now my system sounds like crap!!! for one thing the amp plays about a half an hour and quits, then there are the subs that I think the problem is the box is too shallow. The material is making a funny noise when the bass hits.
I want to drop these into my box: 2> JL Audio 12W3v3-4 - Subs and a SONY XPLOD SERIES MODEL XM-GTR6001 1,300 WATT POWER-HOUSE MONO-BLOCK AMPLIFIER !
please I would like alot of feedback and suggestions!!!! }}
sounds like poo because you need a better HU, sony HU is trash. Your amp only plays for half an hour because your settings isn't correctly set for instance prob the gain is to high, so its overheating the amp and going into protection mode aka shutting off.