What is a quality paint that I could use to paint the dust caps, if possible, on my ss Rl-is? I purchased an rl-i from Paul off of E and the second directly from ss, unfortunately they turned out to be slightly different colors, lol. it's not really a problem, I just would like them to be the same color (preferably black, since that is the theme of my install).
I doubt that would happen.. It won't add barely any weight unless you use an excessive amount. Even then I think it would only affect a much smaller speaker.
As I said above, just do thin even coats.. Just as you would paint anything.
scotch brite the cap lightly (where the marks are visible but not deep at all), then take greased lightning or another degreaser to it, then clean with soap and water and then let it air dry then do light coats of paint, 2-4.
yeah, the scotch brite needs to scuff it to give the paint something to grab but if it goes too deep you wil see the marks after it is painted. FYI, Thats basically how I prep anything I paint like that.