latly ive noticed that when i turn up my system my lights dim very bad, like id say 50% at least. when i look at my cap its only dropping to 13 volts?? yes i have the big 3 done, 1/0 gauge wire, good batt, ho alt. i cant think of what could be doin it or why my lights are dimming yet my volatge is fairly stable? i got a rf 10 farad cap to which is where iam gettin the reading from...maybe this in inacurate iunno. i dont think it would that off though. anybody got any suggesions to why this is happening?
well i am guessing ur getting 13 volts to the amp but not anything else. (i might be wrong on that cause i don't use caps)
what amp or amps do u have? u could have ur gain high and after u start clipping ur efficency goes to crap what kind of alt do u have? this sounds interesting
I would check your voltage up front with a multimeter, then check the back at your amp. I'm willing to bet your cap isn't showing the correct voltage. I'd try that first so you have a good idea what's going on where.
will do troy. i got a rfT2000 runnin on 2 ohms. my gain is little over half. mcr alt 200 amp. something could be loose besides blk's mother to ill double check that for sure, thanks guys
Even a small change in votage is noticable in the lights. HO alternator is a possible fix if it has a better than stock voltage regulator. But even those are often not fast enough.