So I just picked up an Alpine MRV-F250 to use with my front stage. It's a four channel amp, so it's going to be bridged, and channel 1+2 have there own pair of RCA inputs and channel 3+4 have there own pair of inputs as well. My active EQ (Kicker KQ30) has only 1 pair of RCA outputs. So should I use splitters from the EQ to my four channel amp?
Next I have my sub amp (AQ1200D) which only has 1 pair of RCA inputs, no outputs. My four channel amp has 1 pair of outputs, so should I connect my sub amp though that? Someone told me that doing that could cause a slight lag in my amplifier. Any truth? And will wiring it this way cause my 4 channel amp to get more input voltage than my sub amp, or will they see equal signal?
I'm currently running stinger hyper series RCA's from my deck(2 volt). Since my EQ can reproduce up to 9v output, should I buy better quality RCA's for the receiving end of my EQ, or will more set of Stinger Hyper RCA's work fine? (I just like having matching RCA's lol).
Sorry for the long read, but any help is greatly appreciated!
Ok... you've got one set of RCAs from HU to EQ right? Then EQ has one set of outputs?
Then yea you would use splitters to connect to your 4ch amp bridged. I run a similar setup with an alpine 4ch bridged to 2. You need 2 sets of "1 female to 2 male" rca splitters.
Then I don't see any problem running another cable from that amps output to your AQ.
My HU has 2 sets out (1 set for sub, another set for full range), but since My EQ only has one input I'm going to just use the full range output on my HU. Any reason I should spend more money on better RCA's for the output side on my EQ since it can reproduce 9v? or should the lower line Stinger Hyper RCA's work alright? <<Same with splitters...
You are running and almost identical setup that I am except I am not bridging my amp. . I would need the splitters as M.S. stated if I did. (I believe he and I have the identical amp). I spent an azzload on RCA's and would recommend the upper line of RCA's.. (shielding more importantly than the voltage). Most RCA can handle the voltage but the shielding differences or drastic.
side note- if you are not using speaker outputs on HU, check your HU for a preamp power on/off setting... Set it to off to improve RCA voltage output. . (just in case you didn't know and if it applies)
The way I understood my amp manual, (and I don't have it in front of me) you still need the splitters to get proper functionality out of that amp. I want to say that overheating and damage will /can occur.
What I said above is exactly what you need to do to set it up the way you are wanting..... I have used all different RCAs and never noticed a difference. But I don't doubt there are some crappy ones out there.