My new 260 amp Mechman Alt started emitting a funky azz smell. Did not smell electrical, but it probably is(smelled like a burning orange). I know that alternators are usually hot to the touch, but how hot is too hot? If it is a serious problem, will it be covered by the warranty? What is likely suspect? Ant help would be appreciated.
Happy New Years. I would like to thank E for helping this be a great year. Hope the next year is even better.
bearings? how new is it? It may just be burning off the assembly lube and other oils and stuff left over from manufacturing. I would call them and just ask. Maybe its normal. idk. Sorry I cant help more.
Mine did the same thing you just described man. Funky smell, running hot and a weird noise. But after a few days it all was normal again. I had never see/heard of anything like it. Hopefully it doesn't happen' again for either of us, these HO alts aren't cheap.
yeah, mines new enough... It would be under warranty. Other than that one problem, this alt works like a champ... It seems to do better than my 300 amp Ohio Gen, alt on my van.