I'm looking to get two 10s that will be run off of 1000 rms and will sound good in a small sealed enclosure (~1.5 cu. ft.) I'm aiming for sql. I was looking at either soundsplinter rl-i or boston acoustics g5. What do you think would be better? Or do you have any other reccomended subs?
Ive never heard either of those subs but from what I hear they are both great. I think I remember someone saying the G5 is comparable to the W6. The 10w6v2 is also another sub to consider,I had a 12w6v2 and it was awesome! You cant go wrong with any of those subs so just get which ever one is cheaper.
imo, the g5s'. those subs are amazing, and for some reason overlooked all the time. they sound great, and get decently loud. also, if you feel a pair sealed is just a tad not loud enough for you, you can always add a pair of thier prs' in the same box, tune them accordingly, and get a little more output from them while still maintaining the sq. and for $350 shipped for a pair of 10"s from crutchfield (fully authorized), can't beat it.
and no, denim isn't the owner of sp. he's co-owner of ssa (which maybe you should look into thier new line of subs, the dcons'). if anything like the icons, they'll be well worth the money.
As ctmike said, I am not the owner of SoundSplinter. But I speak with him on a regular basis. Mike is a great guy, and has awesome customer service. Before we had our own drivers, I ran SoundSplinter sub woofers.
I will probably never sell my RL-i and my signed RL-p. SoundSplinter has a forum where you can talk directly to other SoundSplinter customers and talk directly with the owner too.