New member Username: Jedj5Post Number: 3 Registered: Aug-07 | skater bum, i have a bad door switch on the driver that means my car thinks the driver's door is still open.would that be the reason why the alarm goes off?i tried reading the manual.but all it gave me was a headache.maybe im a dumbass. i got the alarm used and the person who installed it for me said i had to get a new remote because it would arm and disarm the alarm but, when the alarm goes off it doesnt page the remote.would that also be the reason? thank you in advance for your help.i really appreicate it. |
New member Username: Beart32Post Number: 1 Registered: Aug-07 | Hey Skater bum, Do you have the installation guide for the Viper 5002? Thanks |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 226 Registered: Mar-06 | Ted, Here's a link to the installation guide for the Viper 5002: |
New member Username: MacquarriePasadena, CA Post Number: 1 Registered: Aug-07 | I've been searching through the forums for a while now, and have seen several requests for assistance with a Viper C50, but never any responses.... I have a 1989 Montero that I bought used about a year ago. For the last few months, I've had problems with it not starting unless I push the little black button. This has become increasingly more frequent, and increasingly ineffective, often taking several tries. On Saturday, it stopped working entirely. The remote only functions occasionally, blinking faintly on about one out of five button-pushes, and blinking brightly on about one out of 20. About the only thing that responds to the remote is the door lock. The car won't start. I dug around under the dash and found the unit (a Viper C50), disconnected all the wires leading into it and pulled it out. The car still doesn't start. I saw a post that said I had to find the "yellow wire that goes to the starter" and reconnect it. Problem, there's no yellow wire going to the starter. One of the dozen or so wires that connects to the big plug block is yellow, but I haven't been able to follow it through the fistful of wires bound with zip-ties under the dash yet. Not being an electrician, I'm throwing myself on your mercy here; what do I have to reconnect where in order to be able to drive my car again? Thanks! Jim MacQ. e-mail: |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 227 Registered: Mar-06 | James MacQuarrie, The starter wire on an 89' Montero should be BLACK/YELLOW (i.e. black wire with a yellow stripe on it) at the steering column. Follow this wire down from the key to where it is cut in half by the alarm system and reconnect it to itself. This should allow you to start the car. |
New member Username: MacquarriePasadena, CA Post Number: 2 Registered: Aug-07 | Thanks! I'll give it a try. |
New member Username: MacquarriePasadena, CA Post Number: 3 Registered: Aug-07 | It worked! Thanks! |
New member Username: Jedj5Post Number: 4 Registered: Aug-07 | skater bum, i have a bad door switch on the driver that means my car thinks the driver's door is still open.would that be the reason why the alarm goes off?i tried reading the manual.but all it gave me was a headache.maybe im a dumbass. i got the alarm used and the person who installed it for me said i had to get a new remote because it would arm and disarm the alarm but, when the alarm goes off it doesnt page the remote.would that also be the reason? thank you in advance for your help.i really appreicate it. |
New member Username: RexliuPost Number: 2 Registered: Aug-07 | Not sure if anyone can help me, but I have a problem with an old Viper 500 ESP alarm. Neither remote is working anymore and I tried to reprogram them but they still aren't working. I'm not sure what to try next and I'm afraid that there's a problem with the receiver on the alarm module. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to try next? Otherwise, does anyone know if there's a new model that has the same wiring plugs so I can just swap out the modules without having to rewire everything? Thanks! |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 228 Registered: Mar-06 | Jed, A bad door switch could cause your system to malfunction. Get it replaced. As for the system not paging the remote could be a bad alarm, bad remote or poor antenna placement. Rex Liu, Here's a link to the installation guide for the 500ESP: Maybe this will help you with programming. As for swapping the unit out with a new one, it's hard to say. A lot of Viper wiring is the same but it may differ from model to model. |
New member Username: RlmesqChico, CA Post Number: 1 Registered: Aug-07 | Test mode: Viper 3002 and 508d prox Does anybody know how to enter test mode, so I can adjust the zones on my DEI 508d proximity sensor? The test mode for the shock sensor doesn't work for the prox, and I'd like to be able to test the settings without triggering the alarm. I have user and install manuals for the alarm, which I have read carefully, but no documentation on the prox. Thanks! |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 231 Registered: Mar-06 | Bob Marshall, I don't think that the 508D has a test mode. Here's a link to the installation guide for the 508D: Guide.pdf |
New member Username: 92audi100csqPost Number: 1 Registered: Sep-07 | Skater Bum, Can you get me the installation manual for the 211hv? Thanks! |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 240 Registered: Mar-06 |, Here's a link to the installation guide for the 211HV: |
New member Username: Husky99Illinois Post Number: 1 Registered: Sep-07 | Hi Skater Bum! I just recently purchased a '98 Chevy Silverado that came with a Viper Alarm System. The model number on the remote is RPN 474V and uses 2/66 codes. What that means, i dunno, lol. NE~Ways, I'm having some probs with it. It'll remote start by pressing and holding the lock and unlock button at the same time. But it won't kill. And the lock and unlock buttons just flash the lights but don't do ne-thing to the locks!? If u can help me with this or provide me with a link to the owners guide that would be greatly appreciated, TY! ~Will~ |
New member Username: 92audi100csqPost Number: 2 Registered: Sep-07 | Wow that was fast! Thanks again for helping everyone out. (brantmthorn) |
New member Username: Kurtis570Post Number: 4 Registered: Feb-07 | Hi- I have a viper alarm system (about 10 years old now) that is still installed in my '86 chevy camaro. I think it is the culprit for a draining battery and i'd really like to completely disarm it and remove the whole thing. I'm afraid to do it- fearing id mess something up with the starter kill. I know you told me once before to cut everything from the brain box- where do you think that would be and what would it look like? Any advice- much appreciated. |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 241 Registered: Mar-06 | Will Dennis, For me to help you, you'll need to find the model number of the alarm system. The alarm will be under the dash usually on the driver's side. Normally it is a black box that should look out of place with a bunch of colored wires coming out of it. The model number will be on the top of the unit. Kurtis, The alarm will be under the dash usually on the driver's side. Normally it is a black box that should look out of place. The only wire that should be cut in half is the starter wire on the steering column. On an '86 Camaro it should be purple or yellow. All of the other wires you can just cut off of the factory wiring and tape. |
New member Username: Husky99Illinois Post Number: 2 Registered: Sep-07 | I don't get it! I broke my neck under the dash lookin all around that thing trying to find the model number! I didn't have ANYTHING on it. Just a blank black box with the... SHOOT! I forgot to get the S/N! But yea, all it had was that and the ever so unhelpful FCC ID# wich is, FCC ID: ELV55AAL737R. I know that won't help you. Those were on the back of the box, or bottom, depending on how ur lookin at it. As far as the top, no. The rest of the box was blank. I'll try and get the S/N for you tomorrow, even though that won't help either. It seems like I might have to take the vehicle to the dealer and find out what the problem is since there is no model number. If u think of anything else please let me know, thank you! ~Will~ |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 242 Registered: Mar-06 | Will Dennis, The model number will be embossed into the plastic on the main unit. It is possible that your system was installed without the door lock feature and that would explain why the lights only flash and not lock the door when the button is pressed. Once you find the model number I will be able to help you better. |
New member Username: CrisphPost Number: 1 Registered: Sep-07 | can anyone help me get hold of manual for a viper 479 vpc? (you knwo the score, bought used car, but guess what no paperwork for the alarm...) |
New member Username: KingofalltraitsPost Number: 1 Registered: Sep-07 | yeah! my alarm system stopped chirping about two days ago. i got home and locked my door..and realized it didnt chirp..Can someone please help me out? thank you so much! |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 246 Registered: Mar-06 | Dan Raymond, You probably put your system into valet mode or silent chirp mode. Try arming the car with the remote and then unlock the door with the key, open the door and see if the alarm goes off. If it doesn't sound, you've put the car into valet mode. If it does sound, you've selected silent arm/disarm. Without knowing the model number of your system, it's hard to tell you how to correct the situation. The model number will be on the main unit under the dash. It is NOT the number on the back of the remote control. |
New member Username: KingofalltraitsPost Number: 2 Registered: Sep-07 | thanks..but how would i take it out of valet mode? do i start my car and then push the button? |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 247 Registered: Mar-06 | Dan Raymond, Without knowing the model number of your system, it's hard to tell you how to correct the situation. The model number will be on the main unit under the dash. It is NOT the number on the back of the remote control. |
New member Username: KingofalltraitsPost Number: 3 Registered: Sep-07 | well i got it..i just tutnred my car on and hit the valet switch..i appreciate ur help..thanks again! |
New member Username: Crx168Post Number: 2 Registered: Jul-07 | Hi, does anyone have a manual for Viper rpn471t, believe this is a DEI model. The reason why I ask is becuase when I activate the alarm, it does not chirp, but rather, gives a Siren sound. And when I deactivate, it 'siren' twice. It's really bugging me and I don't know how to turn this back to a "Chirp" or in silent mode. I tried pressing I and II buttons together, or holding I for a longer time, nothing works. Please letme know how I can fix this! Thanks All |
New member Username: Dm2Post Number: 1 Registered: Oct-07 | Skater Bum, I have a Viper Model 5900 installed on a 2008 Ford Super Duty. Is it possible to have the unit roll up the windows? I thought I heard where it was possible. it'd be nice to be able to stand at the front door to my office, out of the rain, and push a button to roll them up. Thanks in advance, Dan. |
New member Username: Dm2Post Number: 2 Registered: Oct-07 | Skater Bum, Another question... I was reading in the Installation manual for the Viper 5900 and noted that it appears that the unit can be programmed with laptop. I'm guessing it's a RS-232 connection, using a DB9, pins 2,3 and 5. Is there a software program I can get to make the programming changes? Thanks again, |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 249 Registered: Mar-06 | Dan, Yes, it is possible but I suggest you use a window module to do it. If you just use channels on your remote to do it, you don't have any safety measures in case something would go wrong. As for the laptop programming, you need a special Clifford programming cable and CliffNet Wizard Pro in order to do it. |
New member Username: Dme62Post Number: 1 Registered: Oct-07 | I am looking for an installation manual for a viper 5500. Does anyone have the manual for this starter? |
New member Username: 8calvin8Post Number: 1 Registered: Oct-07 | Skater Bum, perhaps? I'd be grateful for an installation manual for a Python 1500HF. Tried a few generic things to enter program mode with no success. I have to new remotes to add as the one it came with years ago was stolen recently. Many Thanks. |
New member Username: WizzerWinnipeg, MANITOBA CANADA Post Number: 1 Registered: Oct-07 | help. viper ezsdei476, 476v 266 codes.i am looking for manual. or operating instructions, step by step.pleeeaaassseee |
New member Username: EthanjPost Number: 1 Registered: Nov-07 | Would you happen to have the installation manual for the Viper 800HF. This seems to be a discontinued model. It is not the same as the 800ESP. They are both similar but the 800HF seems to have fewer menu options. If you don't have the full manual, I actually am only having trouble with one feature, the delayed accessory output. My car was in the body shop and the alarm was allowed to power down completely. As a result, the remotes stopped working and all my settings were lost. I was able to re-sync the remote and restore most of my settings(using the 800esp guide), but I was not able to restore a power window feature. I used to be able to open the windows after taking the key out of the ignition(until I opened the door). I believe this is linked to the delayed accessory but I could be completely mistaken. Any suggestions? |
New member Username: Adroc3905Post Number: 7 Registered: Jan-06 | Regarding the Viper 5900 window question, don't you need resistors in place for certain cars? I attempted to add a Clifford SW4 to an exsiting Intelliguard 750 on a cavalier w/ no luck. I heard the resistance needed to be changed but could not find the value I needed. Any ideas? Cliffnet Wizard is useful if you intend to really dial in on some key components. Other than that its the same as the features grid obtained using the valet/plain view switch. I have the program but you will need the data cable. |
New member Username: Cooperman_sk8erpunxPost Number: 1 Registered: Nov-07 | i was wondering if any one has any help on installing a viper 480xv any help would be much appreciated |
New member Username: GryphenPost Number: 1 Registered: Nov-07 | Need a fresh idea. Have a 2000 Ford F-250 v-10. Got it with factory alarm and a viper 550esp. 8 months now and not one problem. no make upgrades, or repairs. New battery 5 months ago right!!?! ok, 3 weeks ago i come home and park,3 hours later i try to start using remote start and is sputters an nothing. try again, wont evn try to start. Full power,and lights. After looking around i discoverd 2 blown mini fuses. A "data" relay and lighter fuse, And a starter relay coil fuse. So i replace it. no problem, ok couple of days go by and i try my remote start for the first time since, same damn thing, but this time only one fuse, starter relay again. replace and im on my way, today did use remote start, tried to disarm an alarm went off, killed it and truck wouldnt start, same fuse, but now when i replace it, it blows as soon as i try to start the truck. Now i have traced as best i can the wiring from harness to alarm to starter, looks good, and as many other connections and paths as i could to check for exposure and or lose. it seems valet is useless at this point. my thouhts are somehow a surge hit the brain and its been running on basic motor skills (no pun intended)unil it now has become worse.Any suggestion im open for, even removing the whole unit, but ford said it more complicated than just re-hooking up the starter wire???? thanks |
New member Username: Pleap01Post Number: 1 Registered: Nov-07 | well skater bum if your still looking here is another for you. I have the 690xv and my remote went bad. I just got my new one in today and followed the instructions on the back of the package. I open the door and turn ignition to on. but when I push the valet switch 7 times then hold it the 8th push, nothing happens. no beeps or chirps or even the led blinking. The led, valet switch and siren all work. Then I'll try to push a button on the remote and still nothing. Am I forgetting or missing something? Thanks |
New member Username: MreennLong branch, New jersey United STATES Post Number: 1 Registered: Dec-07 | DOES ANY ONE HAVE THE INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR THE VIPER 300ESP |
New member Username: Ozsir2Post Number: 5 Registered: Nov-06 | Can any of you cool dudes provide an install guide for VIPER 550HF. Thanks in advance! ![]() |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 250 Registered: Mar-06 | Back in action! patrick, Here's a link to the installation guide for the 690XV: stephen atchison, Here's a link to the installation guide for the 300ESP: Steve Gee, Here's a link to the installation guide for the 550HF: |
New member Username: Ozsir2Post Number: 6 Registered: Nov-06 | Thanks Skater Bum! You're the best! |
New member Username: Cooperman_sk8erpunxPost Number: 2 Registered: Nov-07 | skater bum i have got someone that has looked before forethe viper 480xv and couldnt find it on dei was just woundering if you could help? it has 480v on the brain box if that helps. its an alarm and 3 point immobaliser. thanks andy |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 251 Registered: Mar-06 | andrew cooper, DEI only seems to have the Owner's Manual. Nothing comes up for installation. |
New member Username: Cooperman_sk8erpunxPost Number: 3 Registered: Nov-07 | that is the problem i have been having with this one. seem strange they sell a product but dont no how to fit it them selves. how am i ment to do it? lol |
New member Username: Cooperman_sk8erpunxPost Number: 4 Registered: Nov-07 | it is very much the same as the 460xv but this one is the 2way pager one. |
New member Username: StrunthophtPost Number: 1 Registered: Dec-07 | Hello, Can someone tell me if the installer guide for the 5500 is the same as the 5900? or can someone post the guide for the 5500?? Thanks. |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 256 Registered: Mar-06 | Scott Liboiron, Here's a link to the installation guide for the Viper 5500: |
New member Username: RussellvWaterdown, Ontario Canada Post Number: 1 Registered: Jan-08 | Hi Skater bum I just finished wireing up my viper 791 xv but when ever i remote start it every three seconds or so the park lights come on and i hear beeping inside the car! i have traced the wires and they all seem right... is this a normal thing for the vipers?? any help would be nice.. Russ |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 258 Registered: Mar-06 | Russell vanderhorst, It's a matter of programming. The system is set by the factory to flash the parking lights while it is remote started. I think this is stupid because it looks like you have your hazard flashers on and draws attention to your vehicle. Just program the parking light output to "constant" in Feature Menu 3-4. It's on page 44 of the installation guide. If you don't have it, here's a link: The beep you are hearing is probably the keysense warning of the car. The vehicle thinks that you are exiting with the parking lights on and is beeping to remind you to turn them off. |
New member Username: RussellvWaterdown, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2 Registered: Jan-08 | Hi skater bum thanks for getting back to me so quickly! another question though have you ever installed a 689m nuetral safety switch my car is a manuel and the guy from viper said i needed it... can i not just jump the clutch wires and it will do the same thing!?? Russ |
New member Username: RegrayPost Number: 1 Registered: Jan-08 | i have 1997 plymouth breeze jus bought now i turned the alarm on when i went to bed got up the next day and tried 2 start the car it wont deactivate the alarm the alarm says viper dont no what model it is...lights come on radio but want start...what do i do how do i deactivate and get this crap of my car |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 259 Registered: Mar-06 | Russell vanderhorst, Here's a link to the installation guide for the 689M: Guide.pdf For safety reasons, you should install this piece. But, if you are comfortable with always leaving the car in neutral and appling the emergency brake, you can just bypass the clutch with a relay and hook the e-brake to your remote starts brake input wire with a relay and a couple of diodes. If you need help in doing this, let me know and I can draw you a diagram. reggie, You should be able to turn the key on and press or flip your valet button under your dash to disable the system. I would refer you to your owner's manual that came with the system. If that doesn't work, you may have a problem with your starter/ignition kill relays. |
New member Username: RegrayPost Number: 2 Registered: Jan-08 | tried the vallet button but still wont start how do i locate and disactivate the kill relay |
New member Username: DrodPost Number: 2 Registered: Nov-07 | I have a Viper 550ESP alarm system I purchased 2 new remotes (EZDEI476). Can anyone tell me how to program the remotes. |
New member Username: RussellvOntario Canada Post Number: 3 Registered: Jan-08 | skater bum Thanks again for the info! Now that i have everything installed and working great, there is one other thing though, the idle seems to be really low now, could that be a result of setting the tach for the remote start when the engine was hot??? i know i could just turn up the idle on the car but i wanted to know if it lowered b/c of the remote start? Russ |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 260 Registered: Mar-06 | reggie, The stater wire for your vehicle is YELLOW and should be cut in half near the steering column. If you reconnect this wire, it will bypass your starter kill relay. Dave, Here's a link to the installation guide for the Viper 550ESP: The information you are looking for is on page 33. Russell vanderhorst, When you program the tach signal to the system, you want to do it with the engine at normal operating temperature. Usually after you've been driving it for about a half hour or so. If you program the system with the engine cold, the RPM's will be set too high and when it warms up the RPM's will drop to normal and the system will think that the car has stalled and shut down. |
New member Username: BorgxPost Number: 2 Registered: Jan-08 | Hi all! I just got a Viper 160XV installed in my daughter's car and was told that the system would activate and deactivate the factory alarm (2001 Mercury Cougar). This is why I bought the Viper that is only a remote starter and not the version with a built in alarm. Of course I go and pick it up and they are now telling me that she would have to use the factory key fob to control that and that the Viper will not work correctly if she uses the factory fob to set the alarm. Why the heck would someone want to carry 2 fobs?? Of course I got a bit upset and decided to walk off before saying something I would later regret... Figured I would research on my own as it seems the installer will not. Anyway, does anyone know if this is the case? All I want it to do is to activate the factory alarm when the Viper fob is used to lock the car and deactivate when the Viper fob unlocks the car... sure seems simple enough, but it always does... :-) Thoughts? Thanks in advance! |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 261 Registered: Mar-06 | James, The 2001 Cougar has a wire to disarm the alarm but not one to arm the alarm so there is nothing the installer can hook your Viper to in order to arm the system. The system can only be armed by the factory remote control and this is why you need two fobs. Most people get a remote starter with an alarm system because the aftermarket system usually has better range and better protection. Factory alarm systems normally only cover someone opening the door. If the factory system doesn't have a shock sensor, a thief could just smash your window and take whatever's inside without a problem just as long as they didn't open the door. |
New member Username: BorgxPost Number: 3 Registered: Jan-08 | Thanks for the response and info! I agree on getting the remote starter with the alarm and was going to until they told me the factory alarm would work with the remote starter (as in using the Viper fob). With your answer, it's time to go up and get "pissy" and tell them they need to install the version with the alarm for free because they lied to me. Thanks again! |
New member Username: RealcobraPost Number: 1 Registered: Dec-07 | I bought a 1997 Mustang Cobra with a viper alarm and one 476v remote. I purchased another one used but can't find any programming instructions for it. Can anyone help? |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 262 Registered: Mar-06 | Chip Barrett-Smith, What is the model number of the Viper alarm system? The unit should be located under the driver side of the dash. The number on the remote control is not the number of the system it's just a part number which is of no use because those remotes are used on several different systems. |
New member Username: Sushiroll265Post Number: 1 Registered: Jan-08 | Hi,I'm trying to find the programming instructions for my Viper car alarm system for my '95 3000GT. The alarm is a Viper 476V. Its FCC ID is EZSDEI476, RPN = 476 266 CODES. |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 263 Registered: Mar-06 | David Cheung, The model number of the system is on the brain unit under the dash. The number that you provided looks to be the model number of the remote control. See my posting above. |
New member Username: RealcobraPost Number: 2 Registered: Dec-07 | Well, I checked on the Viper alarm and found that it was a 600 ESP... just floating around under the dash. Can I get a manual or something to program the remotes and to see how this thing really operates, i.e. what features it has? Thanks. |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 264 Registered: Mar-06 | Chip Barrett-Smith Here's a link to the Owner's Manual: And here's a link to the installation manual: The programming information you are looking for is on page 35 of the installation manual. |
New member Username: TasmanianPost Number: 1 Registered: Jan-08 | I have a 2007 mazda mx5 (miata) and had a Viper Remote start alarm installed. I was out of town for about two weeks and when I returned my car battery was dead-so dead it wouldn't jump. I had it towed in and they replaced the battery. That was about six weeks ago. I was just out of town for about two weeks again and now my new battery is totally dead again. Can the alarm system somehow be draining the battery? |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 265 Registered: Mar-06 | Cheryl Caldwell, It's highly unlikely that the alarm system killed your battery. The flashing LED draws very little current. I would return to the place that you had install the unit and have them do a load test on it to see if it is, in fact, the alarm system. They may have a relay that is always powered up that might be causing the battery drain. |
New member Username: Casanosa11Post Number: 3 Registered: Jan-08 | Hopefully someone can help me out. I have the Viper system with remote start and the 4 button remote. Now this has happened a few times, but usually starts working again when I pull the fuse and put it back in. For no reason the remote stops working. It functions properly but does not register to the system. It beeps as if it were out of range. This time nothings working and as soon as I put the put in, the alarms goes off and there is no way to shut it off. I tried the program steps and nothing happens, the alarm keeps sounding. I dont understand. It started just like the other times (its happened twice). I parked the car. Hit the aux and start (orange) and the same time (its the turbo timer feature, runs for 60sec), got out and hit arm, and it everything like it should. As I was walking out of Office Depot I hit disarm/unlock and it does the out of range beep. Since then (this was yesterday) it will not register the remote. Please help me out... thanks |
New member Username: Daid85Post Number: 1 Registered: Feb-08 | Hey Can any1 post a link for the install manual for a Viper 671XV. Would be a Great Help! Cheers |
New member Username: DjflyHaverstraw , Ny United States Post Number: 1 Registered: Feb-08 | I have a Viper 5900 installed on my ford expedition 4x4 Eddie Bauer 2003 i'm having problems with it starting with remote when it cold out but if i leave the key in the ignition over night it will start can some one help me |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 273 Registered: Mar-06 | David Davies, Here's a link to the installation guide for the Viper 671XV: bryant burgett, It sounds like you are having a problem with the transponder bypass unit. I would take it back to the place that you had it installed at and have them check the module. |
New member Username: Daid85Post Number: 2 Registered: Feb-08 | Hi guys, thanks for the d/l ive read through the manual and still cant make sence of the relay for the c/locking. i have the Viper 671XV installed as well as the standard alarm. the Viper alarm was fitted when i bought the car and has worked fine utill it would not unlock. i have unplugged the Viper control module which has stopped it sounding however the C/Locking does not work. also the C/locking relays have been unplugged. any advice would be great. Cheers |
New member Username: JayalaTeziutlan, Puebla Mexico Post Number: 1 Registered: Feb-08 | hi skater bum i'm from mexico i have a viper 1002 and needo to know how do i reset the alarm to a factory settings tks |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 274 Registered: Mar-06 | David Davies, What make/model/year of vehicle do you have. Javier Ayala Otegui, I don't think there is a way to reset everything back to factory settings other than going through the programming step by step. Here's a link to the installatin guide for the Viper 1002: |
New member Username: Daid85Post Number: 3 Registered: Feb-08 | I Have a peugeot 306 (2000 Model). |
New member Username: Daid85Post Number: 5 Registered: Feb-08 | I Have a peugeot 306 and the year is 2000. |
New member Username: B_nofGreat mills , Md Usa Post Number: 1 Registered: Feb-08 | Hi, I hav a 2001 chevy silverado with a factory alarm and a viper 771xv that my son gave me as a gift. The viper 771xv was installed by a large company that sells and installs these systems. My factory alarm has not been disabled and conflicks with the viper. Could anyone tell me how to disable the factory alarm. Also ever since the viper installation my fuel gage intermittently goes to empty only returning to normal when I shift to neutral or move the truck forward an inch or so. have no confidence in taking the truck back as it's already been back once with no change. I also looked under the dash and have found cut wires and substandard splices so I would like to try and repair there work. thank you |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 275 Registered: Mar-06 | David Davies, Have you set the door locks for a 3 second pulse? bart noffsinger, Here's a link to the installation guide for the 771xv: To bypass the factory alarm, you'll need to connect the GREEN/WHITE wire of the alarm system to the LIGHT GREEN wire of the vehicle which you can find in the driver's side kick panel or in the purple plug of the BCM. This wire should show 5-12v at rest and go to 0V when the key is turned to the unlock position in the driver side door. |
New member Username: Drop_the_hammerAirdrie, AB Canada Post Number: 1 Registered: Feb-08 | I have a 791XV in Nissan Armada. First remote died, on a new second remote. All things were working good with the new second remote, until i boosted the trucks battery. Now remote is not connecting to system. I downloaded the installation manual and followed learn procedures as I thought the codes may have gotten mixed up during the high current boost. System seems to learn the codes (one channel by one channel, not the auto learn standard features). Sirens chirps and LED flashed as I go through the learning. Remote shows a flashing Rx when going through learning (but after I exit the system, Rx indicator stops) the learning is not being saved. Once a button is pressed a few seconds pass and the "out of range" beeps sound. SHould I try erasing all remotes and start over? COuld a blown fuse cause this? To me a blown fuse would keep me from the programming and chirps/LED would be down too? |
New member Username: Daid85Post Number: 6 Registered: Feb-08 | No its not set for a 3 second pulse |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 277 Registered: Mar-06 | brad cadieux, It's not a blown fuse. You might be missing a step during programming or the antenna may be bad. David Davies, Program your system for a 3 second pulse. Central locking systems need to see a longer pulse in order for the doors to lock and unlock. |
New member Username: Drop_the_hammerAirdrie, AB Canada Post Number: 3 Registered: Feb-08 | I tried and tried and it wouldn't learn the remote. Confirmed fuses okay. So, on a hunch i unhooked my trucks battery for 10 minutes and had a beer to contemplate where to go to next. Hooked it back up and it learned the remote no problem (791 responded the same as before, but this time it worked). Now something else has popped up. My remote will not receive from 791 until i press a i start it with the remote (remote shows it started) then it times out at 24 minutes (thanks to the manual I programmed this setting), vehicle shuts down, but remote still says running. As soon as i press any button on the remote it updates it's screen to show it shut off. It now runs like a one way remote. Any ideas Skater Bum? PS this thread has helped me hugely so far. And many thanks for all your advice to everyone, i appreciate it all, I'm sure everyone else does as well. |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 280 Registered: Mar-06 | brad cadieux, Maybe there is a defect with the new remote. It's hard to say. It sounds like an antenna problem with the car. Is there a Viper dealer where you live that you can take it to? They might have a fix for it or at least have an idea of what is actually wrong with it. |
New member Username: AdubePost Number: 1 Registered: Feb-08 | I have a Viper 125XV installed in a '03 Santa Fe. The unit was working for 2 years until just recently. Now, after remote starting the car, the car appears to be already be in "valet mode". I can drive it away without the key but of course need to double tap the remote with the key in ON position to shut down. Any ideas? It's almost as if the operations are reversed now. Thanks in advance. |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 283 Registered: Mar-06 | Alex Dube, I would take it back to the place that you had install it. It sounds like there might be a plug coming loose or something happened to the main unit. Valet Mode just disables the alarm functions. The remote start should act the same regardless of wether it is in Valet Mode or not. |
New member Username: Dani09Post Number: 1 Registered: Feb-08 | I am working on installing a Viper 5900 in a 1994 Chevy Camaro. The security and keyless was working fine, but now the doors are not automatically locking when the car starts or unlocking when I turn it off. Today, the system kept registering the shock sensor going off when it never did, and the LED won't stop the double pulses, even when the car is running. I have yet to get it to remote start. I used a relay to bypass the Passlock 2 system, but I am getting no voltage on the starter wire when I try to remote start. The car still starts with a key. Any ideas? |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 284 Registered: Mar-06 | Danielle Pund, It could be a couple of things. First off, check your ground connection. Make sure that it's on a large piece of the frame with the paint scratched off so it makes a good solid connection. Some people just attach it to one of the metal dash panels and the problem with that is when the weather changes the dash expands and contracts changing the path to the ground of the battery. Second, if your ground is good, check your fuses and make sure your plugs are seated firmly into the module. Third, check your programming. The automatic door locking/unlocking feature is an option that can be toggled on and off. Try these things and if you are still having problems, let me know. |
New member Username: Dani09Post Number: 3 Registered: Feb-08 | Skater Bum, Thanks for the quick reply. Here's an update: Fuses and plugs are good. All of my grounds are run to the factory grounding bolt located at the driver's side kick panel. They are attached with ring terminals. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that should be as good a ground as direct to chassis? I hooked up the Bitwriter to check the locks. This feature was still set to on. While I was in the menus, I reset the voltage check to high (I set it to low when troubleshooting the RS and never put it back) and I turned anti-grind off b/c I had read in other forums that that had worked for some people. Afterwards, the LED was still on and the doors weren't automatically locking and unlocking. Later in the night, I started the car to drive home and the locks worked again and the LED had turned off. The only reason I can think of is the fact that I had unplugged the ribbon harness connecting the brain and satellite, possibly resetting it? This problem is fixed for the time being, but it still isn't starting. Before I checked these things when I would press the RS button the remote would show that it had started when it hadn't. Now the remote doesn't register anything when I try to start it. Sorry for the long post - just trying to be thorough. |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 285 Registered: Mar-06 | Danielle Pund, It sounds like your system might have been in static lockup. Pulling the ribbon cable might have cleared the static, it's hard to say. As for the remote, try plling the battery out of it, let it sit for a couple of minutes and replace the battery and see if it syncs back up with the car. |
New member Username: Abq505Albuquerque, Nm United States Post Number: 1 Registered: Mar-08 | i have a 94 trans am and my viper remote broke its a 5900 series so i manualy disarmed it then i went and got another remote and when the guy programed the new one my car wouldnt start any more then i i got it started after messing with the wire and i was wondering how 2 take it out and if that would get my car to start again |
New member Username: Dani09Post Number: 4 Registered: Feb-08 | Skater Bum, I got things figured out. Turns out I had key side and car side switched on the VATS wire, and somehow missed that problem multiple times. Thanks again for your help. |
New member Username: Golfer52San diego, Ca Usa Post Number: 1 Registered: Mar-08 | i have a 98 honda civic with a viper 300 alarm...i bought the car 3 months ago with the alarm already installed...i went to the store and came back out and car wont start...all the lights and radio and even the alarm will arm and disarm but when i turn the key nothing happens it doesnt attemp to turn over and there is not even a clicking sound that you will normally hear when a starter may be bad...what can i do to the alarm so i can start my car |
New member Username: Jet123Post Number: 1 Registered: Mar-08 | Skater Bum, Hi my car alarm stop working after my car battery went dead, I have Viper 791XV, what can I do to fix this? |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 288 Registered: Mar-06 | Bruce, Pull out the fuses for the alarm system and then reinsert them. |
New member Username: TikuPost Number: 1 Registered: Mar-08 | Hi, i am trying to add a LCD transmiter remote in viper 460VX. any help how to do it step by step please, i would be very greatful. thanks |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 289 Registered: Mar-06 | Adriatik Muceku, Here's a link to the installation guide for the Viper 460XV: Guide.pdf The information you are looking for is on page 40. |
New member Username: Cooperman_sk8erpunxPost Number: 5 Registered: Nov-07 | dont suppose you have any thing on the 480xv yet d you skater bum? thanks andy |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 290 Registered: Mar-06 | andrew cooper, Here's the installation guide for the Viper 480XV: Guide.pdf |
New member Username: TikuPost Number: 2 Registered: Mar-08 | Hi Skater Bum thank you very much for your reply. One more question please. When i get to step 3 The siren does not chirp, what am i doing wrong? |