my alpine 7893 and 1 12" kicker L5 in ported box tuned at 33 mhz ran off a clairion 1.2 1000 watt amp i do have a power cap and a good one. but i cooked 4 subs in a month, my install was done in a local store which holds its own verry well in my city and i can not understand why,2ohm and 4ohm both smoked in my box on this amp could it be i need two L5s. want to no because store keeps putting in same kind and same ohm .what should i do or change subs ....or kick the amp.
Matt N.
Posted on
First of all, I hope you enclosure is tuned to 33Hz (not mhz - thats a million hertz, you can't hear that).
Second by what you have written, and what I could decipher, your amp is actually a 1001.2 maybe? If so this amp looks to be a 1 or 2 channel amp rated at 150W x 2 @ 4 ohms and about 600W x 1 at 4 ohms. Now that ought to be just about right for the woofer specs of 600W rms.
Make sure that you have the woofer wired to the amp correctly. Get a 2ohm DVC and wire the two coils in series to produce a 4 ohm load. Then bridge the amp to get the maximum power.
Next thing I would look at is your gain. A common mis conception is that this knob is a volume. It is not. Its to adjust the voltage of the signal going to the pre-amp section of the amplifier. Make sure that the knob is set to the voltage that your head unit puts out.
You also mention you had a vented enclosure. One of the nasty side effects of the vented enclosures is that they tend to "unload" a woofer at about half the tuned frequency. In this case, that would be about 16.5 Hz. I would make sure that the subsonic filter is on. This keeps the frequencies that are lower that 20hz or so from reaching the woofer. This is fine because you can't really hear them anyway.
Take a look at these factors. If your still having trouble then I would have the amp tested.