BL's would prolly be best DD might sound better but wouldnt be as loud what would it be tuned to? wouldnt wanna bottom out the DD with that much power to it if its for a daily setup rather then burps
i can sell my 9512 and get just about enough to pay for 2 brand new Bl's where if i went DD theres no way i could buy 2 3510's for the price i could sell a 9512 for
Don't sleep on the 2500's. I'm an guessing you want this to burp?...If so, on up to 1500-1700w, the 2500's are louder usually than 3500's.
We ran 2 2500's off 2 DDm1a's strapped at 1ohm for 6month++, never had any trouble. You just have to know what your are doing. Just watch them a little for daily beating, they can handle that power fine if you keep it clean. (May want to go a little smaller on the box though...say 2.75cuft)
And you should be able to get em for close to the price of BL's.
get two hdc310's or 12's, which are closer to 9500's in performance, vs the bl. and u could add more power in the future if u want, but even on 2750rms two aq's will be loud as f**k. I've had 2512's, heard my friends bl, and have now an hdc315 and the hdc is the loudest and all were on the same power (1200ish rms). now i have a 2200D on my hdc and its quite a bit louder yet.
had a 9512 but never heard any BLs but looking at the specs online Fs on the 10s is quite high so imo i doubt u would get better sq though the 2 10s cone area would be louder 4 sure ...if u want better sq u can go with the Q & it shud still be loud enough too ...