Alright so ive had a 9515 for almost a year until about a month ago till i re coned it to a 12" to save some room. Well today i listened to a friends 15" BTL and lets just say i miss my ears hurting from the bass. So i want some suggestions on subs to get.
I think i would want either 2 12" or 2 10" but preferably the 10"s. I want to it be really loud. So im wondering what subs are up to par with the DD 9500 series and the Fi BTL seires.
I would be running 4400rms. Im hopfully looking to get used subs, hopfully in the 250 range. Suggestions appriciated.
i would put the alpha in the middle of the 2 subs. stronger low end than the dd but not as strong as the btl. the mid to upper is less than the dd but stronger than the btl.